Is it in the project or is it the software?
If that's the case, the only solutions I'm aware of would be what I suggested in combination with screen mirroring(android) and Airplay(IOS) but, I don't think that's quite what he wants either. Thanks —, I miss read it.
Add the custom movement behavior. The use "Accelerate towards position" and configure it with the acceleration that you want and set the coordinates. You can place an invisible sprite at the stop position and create a condition -
Object on Collision with Sprite > Set Custom Movement to Stop.
Try reading the following tutorial
It may also depend on how your publishing stings are set, Full Screen, etc.. You might want to the browser object and use "On any Touch" to set the Browser Object to Full Screen.
Also you might be better off using Cordova rather than cocoonjs.
Add the "Touch Object" to the Game. Create a top layer and set it's parallax to 0,0. Place buttons on the Layer. The you can use "On Object Touched" to control your movement behaviors by assigning different directions and/or actions to the buttons.
What do you mean the bullet is spinning? Did you ad rotate behavior? Is it after it bounces off an other object?
I strongly suggest you read the manual on optimizing and there are several tutorials as well. It may well be your game is too much for the tab 4 but more likely you need to optimize thoroughly.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Give the object an Instance variable of Boolean called "Has_Collsion". Create a condition that sais to change the variable to true on collision.
Add another condition that Staff_Secuity is "Has_Collision" is True
I strongly suggest you read the manual on optimizing and there are several tutorials as well.
Generally the performance improves however; if your having issues you should read the manual on optimizing and there are several tutorials as well. If your having performance issues, it's in the game and not the wifi. There could be many reasons for the poor frame rate.
Put the gamepad code into a group and call it "Gamepad Group"
Write your condition like " on any key pressed" and create an event using the "System Object" and use "Set Group Active" behavior. Enter the name of the Group and set to "Deactivate"
Search the tutorials before asking this question. There are multiple examples.
Member since 7 Jul, 2012