ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • I like how the hair changes when he is falling, great idea :)

  • That's the way the original Moon Patrol game was, so I just tried to tie that in. Kind of like give the car gas, and then slowing down again.

    How come you didn't like the holes? You mean how they look, or just the fact that they are there? Again, it's from the original game.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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  • Well this is my first project with Construct 2 and I thought I would share my progress really quick.

    The game is simple, it's reminiscent of the arcade classic Moon Patrol. You need to jump holes, shoot rocks and flying enemies.

    I have it designed now where it only gets harder by adding enemies, if I stay with it I will start to tweak the difficulty the further you get.

    The game is all pretty much randomly generated actions. The holes and rocks come in at in random time intervals, same with ships, even using random numbers to adjust their SINE patterns.

    I'm thinking of doing a version with actual levels instead. Right now it's more of the "See how long you can last" variety of game.

    It's really early on and many of the graphics will be replaced.

    Up - Jump

    Right/Left - speed up and slow down.

    Space - Fire

    Thanks for looking.

  • I'm not really sure what is going on here, so maybe someone can help.

    I have my game running and I have a few .ogg files I am using for background music, and other sound files for basic sound fx. Everything works fine, except for this one ogg file I have. It's the one I really want to use but when I set it for my background music it's the only thing I can hear. All my sound fx go mute.

    All I am doing is changing the Play Sound action from one music file to another. I'm thinking there is just a problem with the ogg file, but I don't know what it would be.

    I originally downloaded it as a MIDI and converted it to ogg. Maybe that's the issue?

  • Awesome, thanks.

  • Yup, reading it cleared it up and put all kinds of new ideas into my head :).

  • OK, real quick. On step 3 in the event you have 2 events. Does this mean both of those events need to be true to continue? I didn't know you could do that, but that's pretty awesome.

  • That is exactly it, thank you. Just need to study up to make sure I understand it.

  • I'm downloading r97 now and I will let you know. Thanks.

    I'll post more detail if not :).

  • Hello All, I'm new to construct and a long time GameMaker user. So far I am loving Construct. One little thing I just can't figure out so here is what I am trying to do.

    My main character fires 2 bullets at once, one up and one to the right. I want the one fired to the right to only be able to be fired every few seconds or so.

    I have a global Variable, FireRate

    I have a system event, every 1 second add 1 to FireRate

    System Event- KeyPress - Space. Under the action I want to know if FireRate is >= 2. If it is, then fire the bullet and reset FireRate.

    I can't seem to find simple way to do this. I assume I am missing something simple.


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