Did you imply that there is a way to force different lower audio latency hints to solve this issue?
It may not be appropriate for games but the feature is ubiquitous on desktop audio apps.
i.e. is there a way at runtime to say have a slider that the user could set the AudioContext 'latencyHint: lower to test the results.
If audio started popping/glitching they could raise it. If there was lag without glitching they could lower it to find the best sweet spot
Even if they had to restart the app to do so each time.
If this could be implemented into C3 that would be awesome but Im not necessary asking for a new feature.
just confirmation that maybe something could be done, perhaps just in scripting ???
for those ur us who are hampered by the audio lag on android.
I quote a response from one of the chrome developers under chrome bug 1014614
“…your particular application, you could try constructing the AudioContext with 'latencyHint: 0.003'. Chrome will try to set the latency to about 3 ms (look at baseLatency to see what the actual value is). This may cause lots of audio glitches on your device. But it could also work well….”
How would we do this in C3?