Elliott's Recent Forum Activity

  • Would embedding the exported index.html in an iframe work?


    <iframe src="http://www.mywebsite/mygame/index.html" height="400" width="800"></iframe>[/code:344jotuc]


  • Ashley said that the company was originally going to be called Scirrus (the portmanteau of science and cirrus, after the cirrus cloud) but the scirrus.com domain wasn't available, so he simply experimented with changing the ending of the word until he found one he liked - thus Scirra.

  • Bears, puns and noire mystery? I'm in!

  • The manual details features of the stable build - the Twitter plugin is currently beta

  • For comparisons sake I ran the game smooth as butter on a 5 year old laptop with poor ventilation and a 13 tab Chrome browser plus various programs open in the background (Photoshop, Word, PowerPoint etc.) and the audio was fine, as was the frame rate.

    The only issues I had:

    The game froze twice, once for about a second and a second time for 4 seconds, after which I stopped playing and noticed the temperature was at egg-frying levels.

    Plugging in my (admittedly 3rd party) 360 pad part way through the game didn't work, although restarting the program worked fine!

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  • I'd do something like this:


    Beaten by BlackHornet!

  • Oh my God I just lost 15 minutes just sitting here clicking the page! I don't even know what I'm doing or understand music at all - please never link me to it again!

    In all seriousness; keep it up, would love to see this progress

  • eli0s Oruzee

    Masking + Lighting system = ???

    If anyone can make it work I'm sure you guys can!

  • I'd love to know how the notification e-mails are sent out - the one time I've managed to grab a medal for a download I noticed by e-mail was received about 4 minutes after the lightning draw times, are they sent in batches? Or do certain mail providers take longer to vet mass e-mails?

    Either way the download race has always amused me, I think it's great fun!

  • Posting to follow this thread - as always Robin your art is fantastic!

  • This was achieved by simply blocking the level geometry in with invisible collision sprites, the actual artwork itself is just window dressing.

    You can either use this technique or alter your artworks collision polygon in the sprite editor to fit your purpose.

  • This is a 10 second example - be sure to clean it up if you use it (destroy the trail sprites if they're below a certain size - alternatively just add the fade property)

    It doesn't really add a seamless tail though, to do that I'd experiment with the idea of a tail sprite, the width of which would be multiple of the platforms speed, so the faster your moving the longer the tail.

    The angle could be determined by an invisible sprite with a 1 second life span spawned every second or so at the player's x/y.