Elliott's Recent Forum Activity

  • Since private messaging has been replaced entirely with the public forum, any form of bullying is community facing and can be managed by the moderation team - I'd suggest that you report these posts and the team will deal with the users responsible.

    As any one to one interaction will have to be conducted via another network or communication tool, solutions would be platform specific, however every major social networks lets you block abusive users from seeing your content or contacting you, and for more direct methods like personal email, you can block correspondence entirely.

  • A higher priced monthly subscription would be an interesting incentive, however would likely hurt Scirra in the long term.

    Hobbyist subscription tools thrive off of annual subscriptions, for the simple fact it lets them charge a reasonable fee and locks in the user for a long period of time - let's break down some maths.

    Let's say the software costs £100 for an annual subscription.

    The userbase is a hobbyist one, and therefore the majority of users will subscribe, use the software for a few weeks, have a few months off, a few weeks more using the software; rinse and repeat. This sporadic use could likely be recreated in maybe 3 one month bursts throughout the year.

    Now let's imagine the users ask for monthly subscriptions - how much should the developer charge? Let's call it £10/month for some easy maths; so the user gets a nice 20% discount for purchasing annually, as it would cost £120 to pay for a year in monthly instalments (a good incentive).

    Now we have the average user paying the developer £30 a year rather than £100 - the users are happier but now the developer has to sell 3 times as many licences to make the same margin. Will the change in subscription model triple the size of the audience? Unlikely.

    An annual subscription has further benefits from a software life-cycle standpoint - by paying for a year up front, the developers are afforded more financial freedom to add new features, which results in a much more appealing product when the time comes for the user to renew their licence. If the userbase is sporadically stringing the developer along, the lifecycle will adapt to focus on short term wins, making substantial new feature dev less likely - resulting in a lower quality end product.

    Scirra a small team competing against giants who have corporate buyout funding, often dancing on the razors edge of technology; they have access to users metrics and have thought long and hard about the model that would work best for them.

    I'm confident that when you consider the above, you'll agree that the very affordable subscription model in place is a well founded strategy that gives both users and Scirra the flexibility they need to make the best projects possible - whether it's awesome games or the engine that powers them.

  • Don't forget to kick it over to Awwwards for some nice backlinks and coverage:


    There's actually a nice vertical there, front-end developers will likely be really attracted to a visual-based editor that lets them make interactive web content.

  • If we're putting ideas out there, Scirra could run a game jam to build their 404 page - a quirky, small game to display in addition to the "This page can't be found"; similar to Google's Downasaur game.

    If not a jam winner, a rotation of users games would be a fun little nod to Constructs usage.

  • The Construct logo is much more animated than usual.

    I'm also a big fan of the new menu, very Stripe!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • You can simplify your events to a single one.

    Set the physics impulse to


    This ensures that the impulse is equal to the frame number, but never drops below 1.

  • Go into the sprite and click the crop button - it has a 1px transparent border

    • Post link icon

    Asking Scirra, or any company, to be complicit and ultimately beholden to the actions of their userbase is insane - of course they have the right to deny you access to their services and platforms (be it Construct, their development server, community or website) if they fundamentally disagree with your actions.

    Scirra has more than proven themselves as a company that both values and respects user agency and freedom of speech (look at how many threads exist freely discussing competing game engines)- however they shouldn't be expected to completely give up their own agency to do so.

    They've remained entirely apolitical, but I don't think any reasonable person would be upset if it transpired **** had been using Construct to develop promotional material and Scirra had subsequently banned their license due to ideological differences; which is what the conclusion of your post seems to be against.

  • Could people with the jank problem try this : vsynctester.com

    Does the janks appear here too (VSNYC on the right isn't always gray)?

    I'm running a rig with a GTX 1080Ti, i7-8700K and 32GB of RAM, which far, far exceeds the requirements of the standard user, and Chrome will still fall flat on that test after about 30 seconds.

    Chrome is fundamentally broken with regards to vsync, maybe one day it will be fixed, but Chromium have known about this problem for 4 years, so I'm not exactly confident it will be fixed.

  • Am I missing something here? Why would an installed app have a loader layout? Surely an animated splash screen is just the first layout of the game that transitions to the main menu layout after a set amount of time?

  • Quite an easy fix:

    + System: Every 3 seconds

    -> Sprite: Set animation frame to Self.AnimationFrame+choose(-3,-2,-1,1,2,3)

    You can change the range to be as big as you need, don't use random as that will include 0, though in fairness, you could use a sub event in that case.

    You'll also want to clamp the above, otherwise you could end up with minus number frames