MMO RPG???! Yes its possible depending on how many players should/can play in one session/instance
Free Version???! No you need more than 100 Events
SQL Database???! Yes with Ajax plugin
use the Real Time Game for ref.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
sure you had only " is equal" selected, but this situation may not always come to pass
Boss HP: 10 Shoot dmg 15 BOSS will become "immortal"
Boss HP: 10 Shoot dmg 10 BOSS dies
ajax & textfile would be one way, but thats not a secure one. You save the data in webstorage and send it if he is entering the Game/app
TiAm its just a way and you can modify it to your liking
Mein Vorschlag
you can do it with particles, looks nice and easy to do. If need help just ask
Ich würde es mit Partikeln versuchen, sieht besser aus und ist dynamischer!
Wenn hilfe brauchst melde dich einfach
i don't see the problem
you can use the additive Blendmode
use the 8-direction behaviour and set it to 4 directions..
Yes thats the Way to go
how about using the Save and load system
I have redone it a bit
You should take the mousebuttons as fireoption aswell !
the flow is like this:
1. Event
x. Event
from TOP to Bottom
Member since 22 May, 2012