How to make a fog effect in Construct 2???
I'm browsed on much tutorials and posts but i can't find one for a fog effect.
Sorry fo bad english
I'm from Germany
What kind of "fog effect"?
For simple ones you can make a layer none transparent and lower the opacity, or use screen sized tiled background, or sprite, or my "fog" shader. All depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve.
I mean a animated layer with fog
This is my attempt at a simple fog effect, you should be able to modify it. You need a seamless fog image and if you modify the size of the tiled background make sure it's a multiple of it's original size. Also the opacity and blend mode of the fog is important.
you can do it with particles, looks nice and easy to do. If need help just ask
Ich würde es mit Partikeln versuchen, sieht besser aus und ist dynamischer!
Wenn hilfe brauchst melde dich einfach
Here is very simple fog look alike demo. You can Improve on it
Mein Vorschlag
Here's something I put together on a lark. Warning: this is a total impractical effect; it's a modification of a project I created for the sole purpose of maxing out the fill rate on my computer to see what would happen...
Your example looks great...but it's herky jerky for me...
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TiAm its just a way and you can modify it to your liking