there are different ways, but how did you set up your HUD?
you can transfer it.
create 2 more global variables named stage, counter as numbers
on collision with Ball
Add 1 to Score
Add 1 to Counter
Counter greater or equal 5
set Counter =0
Add 1 to Stage
where exactly is the problem?
add point to score
pin behaviour should work fine
You can add the browser object to your game, then use the request fullscreen action.
that is correct, use Browser Plugin /request Fullscreen
global Var Enemys as number
when Enemy is spawned increase the Var Enemys
when destoyed decrease the Var Enemys
create a layer with paralax 0,0 and place a text with the label Enemys_left_txt
every tick --> Enemys_left_txt = Enemys
no problem here to help
Use the Browser Plugin
On Layout startet
(Browser) request Fullscreen
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1080p is good for that
Member since 22 May, 2012