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  • Thanks mwmdragon, I didn�t know Budokan but Karateka was one of our main inspirations ^^

    Graphics are by my lovely gf, you can see more of her stuff at our site: sleepysheepy.com

  • Hello there!

    I?ve made some games with C2 so far, but I?m at a loss when controlling animations in an efficient manner.

    I?d like to have several states like, for example:







    But I can?t seen to make the transitions between those states in a clean way. So, how do I make a controller for those animations that doesn?t look like crazy if I need to insert a new animation?

    Also, is there any way to queue animation states?(For example, two idle states or a double jump)

    If you could provide an example I would be very grateful!


  • Thank you ^^

  • Thanks for the feedback megapowerskills We are actually waiting for the next version with the tile mapper to start working on platformers again.

    I?ve got lots of trouble on how would I go to create a state machine for the animations in Construct 2, is there any simpler way to do that?

  • Thank you Zav for your feedback, it?s very important to us ^^

    For our next game we?ll keep all this on mind, it was our second platform game ever, so we are still learning the ropes, hahah

  • Thank you for your feedback damainman, those are really useful suggestions! ;]

    And thank you everybody that played ^^

  • damainman Thank you for playing ^^ I�m not sure why the background bugs happen on chrome, going to investigate further ;3 Did you manage to reach the end(players told us the game is way to difficult because of the controls ~_~)

  • Hello, we made this game in a jam past month, the theme was Plot Twist.

    Our plot twist is in the end.


    Arrows to move

    Space to attack

    Z to block




    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/onna00.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/onna02.png" border="0">


  • Hi there! You can check our art at www.sleepysheepy.com

    Here are some of my favorites! ;]

    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/onna00.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/grifos_pb.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/echo.png" border="0">

    <img src="http://sleepysheepy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/harley.jpg" border="0">

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  • Hi, could it be possible to select an object by it�s alpha value instead of the bounding box? It would be better to select when there are multiple objects with transparency.

    Hope my suggestion is clear,


  • Breakpoints, controlling the variables and expressions in real time, a ctrl+f4 key to start with the debugger from the start

  • Try disabling your plugins one by one Rayek, and try to make a new game based only on C2 plugins so you can see if it works ;]

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Member since 28 Mar, 2012

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