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  • According to this page: making loader layouts is pointless when making mobile games. It suggests to create a custom splashscreen (like the Construct 3 splash) instead. How do I do that? Can I change the built in Construct 3 splash? I can't find it.

    Any help would be nice.


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  • An easy solution that comes to my mind is to use an object to fade in the level and use the time to time scale the particles and fill the screen with snowflakes:


    Thanks! Quick and easy solution and it works great! :)

  • In my game I have a winter level that has snowing in it using particles. How can I make it so when the layout starts it is already snowing instead of it starting to snow. I know they have this functionality in unity so I thought there might be a way for us C3 users to do the same thing?


  • Have a look at these two great videos on youtube: "The art of screenshake" "Juice it or lose it"

    A lot of tips and inspiration in them.

  • Not that I need one right now, just curious in case I embark on a larger project and run into performance issues?

  • I can't seem to find any reference material about the tween behaviour. Does anyone know if there are any tutorials on how to use it? liteTween mas much easier to use.

  • I get this when I try to start C3 with the desktop icon:

    If I start C3 in the browser once then the icon works again a couple of days until it breaks again.

    Anyone know whats is wrong?

  • Maybe this is what you are looking for? :)

    example project

  • So you know those spinning platform wheel things in Mario games? I'm trying to recreate them for a platforming game I'm working on and just can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Provide a link to something that shows what you are talking about :)

  • 1. Construct handles scaling just fine, just make your assets at a size that doesn't loses too much quality when scaled up or down.

    2. Ads on iOS arent working at 100% right now because of the GDPR changes but I'm sure scirra is working hard to fix it.

    3. When making an iOS game Construct3 can export it as a xcode project and then you open it in Xcode on your mac to produce the ipa.

    4. Construct uses web technology (HTML5/javascript) wich is constantly evolving at quite a fast pace and this obviously brings some cons but pros as well.

    Personally I'm excited to see what kind of performance and other improvements Constructs new runtime brings when it is ready for "live" use.

    I do own a full set of GameMaker Studio 2 and Clickteam Fusion 2.5 but Construct3 is so much faster and easier (and fun) to use so the other 2 aren't even installed on my computer right now.

    Don't know if this will help you make a decision, good luck any way with what evver you choose :)

  • Okey, but shouldnt firefox be supported?

    I'm pretty sure it should, I think I tried it once but that was on a windows machine.

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