> You can modify the type of the "splash" (loading) screen in the project's properties if you own a proper plan for C3.
> Moreover with C3 runtime you can have loading screens in between layouts of your game if you want.
I do have a subscription and the choices for Loader style are: nothing, precentage text, progress bar only, progress bar & logo, Construct 3 splash.
Is there any inofrmation/guide on how to have loadingscreens between layouts?
Kyatric said you can customize that splash by just selecting logo(in assets folder in right side of project just change the loading_logo to ur logo, icons are for mobiles and 16x16 and 32x32 are favicons for websites.) and loading bar progress and should be doing the same thing as C3 splash u can also change the bg color and put a logo of whatever size u want, it can even be as big as the layout of the game. with that in mind, its not entirelly recommended different devices act different on loading the logo splash screen. personally i never had issues with it on my android platforms or iphones, but some raised issues.
However that won't solve the problem if u have assets loading from a server, u will need another 2nd layout(created by you as you would create a game layout) for those assets to be imported after the 1st loading screen.
as for how to have loading screen between layouts, you just make a layout that has a loading bar on it and says something like helpful tips etc.
and u load that everytime the player swaps screens from game to menu to shop to menu again and etc... so ur code of changing layouts should be something like bellow pseudo code, which also requires a global variable that you do not reset trough out the game (for example:if player dies, you cannot use reset globals to initial state, that will confuse the code thinking u are in menu when u are in the game actually) to keep track of where the player is coming from. for example if is in the menu we call the variable curent_screen: with value of 0. and if is in game change the value to 1 and so fort. preloading doesn't need a value, since there you will compare the values and know where ur players should be redirected.
and you change that value for all ur levels and game layouts (outside preloading) ... basically... is tedious stuff and lots of events wasted, but does the trick.
Edited: Edited a few times, had couple of typos, and missing info.
For information on how to make a progress bar u might wanna check the tutorial section of Construct 2, they still apply to C3 since the coding is the same.