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  • You should open the .xcworkspace file in xcode.

    Just updated one of my ios apps and it works fine for me.

    I think I tried that but then Xcode complained about missing files.

    Tried the .xcworkspace file again (maybe I didn't do that before) but now the game gets stuck on loading screen

  • Made a simple game and exported it to iOS -> Xcode project.

    Imported it into Xcode using the .xproj file but when I try to run it on a device or a simulator all I get is "build successful" then nothing, it doesn't install and run.

    I have no problems running small sample projects made in other game engines on a device or a simulator.

    Filed a bug report:

  • I haven't investigated this issue any further because I just stumbled upon it when testing around. I'm currently working on another project (raffle machine for twitch) but when I get back to making my iOS game I will check back here to let people know if I can make it work or not. Thanks for any replies though :)

  • Just wanted to ask if anyone else is having the same problem?

  • OMG! Nice to see you back again! I remember your twitch streams, great times (I went under the name MonDieu72 then). :D

  • Ok guys, thanks for answering! :)

  • Trying to make an endless game that can load the next randomly selected "section" of the layout with the use of xml or json?

    If anyone has done this before or know how to do this I would like to know.

    Any help would be breatly appreciated!


  • Thought I'd just mention that now when the game is published and live on the google play store, ads are working fine on all android devices I have installed it on. Just be careful and make sure you're not testing on devices with the google account that is you developer account to avoid fraudulent ads impressions and you'll be fine.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm in the process of implementing ads in my android game and for now I have the ads plugin set in testmode

    and I'm using a test ad unit.

    On some devices everything works fine and ads shows as expected but on other devices ads don't show even though the "agree to see relevant ads" msg box works. Also the game icon gets a little asterisk beside it on the devices where the ads don't work.

    Is anyone else having these issues or know what is wrong and how to fix it?



  • WackyToaster Thanks for your reply but the main question remains unanswered: How do I replace the Construct 3 splash image used in option 5 with one that I make myself?

    Is there anyone in the Scirra team that can tell me where I can find and change it?

  • Kyatric Thanks for answering.

    To test just use one of the game demos, I just tested with "Glokar". Put in the required info for exporting to android and set it to use progress bar and logo and then export it to a debug apk with android 5 as minimum. When the game starts on the phone (I have tested this on multiple device both old and new) the loading-logo doesn't show only the progress bar.

    But all this is beside the point since the main reason for my post is to find out how I can replace the image shown when using option number 5 (Construct 3 splash).


  • In the "Startup" section of the properties panel these choices are available:

    1 Nothing (not recommended)

    2 Percentage text

    3 Progress bar only

    4 Progress bar and logo

    5 Construct 3 splash

    option 1, 2, 3 and 5 works ok (although 1, 2 and 3 doesn't give a very nice starting impression imo)

    option 4 doesn't work as it totally ignores the loading-logo.png located in icons folder and only show the progress bar.

    option 5 works great but I would like to change the image shown with one I make my self, how do I do that? Where is that image located so I can change it?

    No need to refer to info on how to make loader layout since they don't eliminate the initial loader.

    Games would give a much better first impression with a custom splash image.


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