iOS export get stuck on loading screen!

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  • Just wanted to ask if anyone else is having the same problem?

  • Yes

    When I export my android game using "advanced minification",the game hangs on the loading screen. Hence I use simple minification. If you use simple minification then maybe your problem may get solved.

    Or are you using JavaScript in the game? If yes then there are huge chances that that may be the source of bug

  • Do fill a proper bug report to help our dev team fix any issue you might be encountering.

    If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation.

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  • Do fill a proper bug report to help our dev team fix any issue you might be encountering.

    If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation.

    Can't do it. I have tried smaller games and they get compiled without any issues. This problem is specific to my project. No idea why? Neither I am using javascript nor I am using any 3rd party plugin. And obviously I can't submit my project in GitHub.

  • The original post was about an issue on iOS, but you replied with an issue about Android, so the issues may well be unrelated. It's very difficult to comment from the information provided in this thread, there's just nothing to go on at all here. This is why we have guidelines for bug reports, and advise that forum posts at least provide a project.

  • The original post was about an issue on iOS, but you replied with an issue about Android, so the issues may well be unrelated. It's very difficult to comment from the information provided in this thread, there's just nothing to go on at all here. This is why we have guidelines for bug reports, and advise that forum posts at least provide a project.

    I can understand the situation from your side and that's why I never panicked about it.

    If the original author problem gets solved by simple minification then we are connected !!!

  • And obviously I can't submit my project in GitHub.

    You can always send your project to with the URL to the report you filled on Github, this will allow our dev team to have access all while keeping the project private if needed.

  • All exports with "advanced minification" are blocked in the new loading screen on android and IOS

  • All exports with "advanced minification" are blocked in the new loading screen on android and IOS


    Can you please give a try with r208 beta.I am facing the issue from there

  • When I export my android game using "advanced minification",the game hangs on the loading screen. Hence I use simple minification. If you use simple minification then maybe your problem may get solved.

    I was hitting this bug too. Have been freaking out for the past couple hours because I pushed an update through to all of my users (all 10 of them). This fixed it! Thank you so much!

    Hopefully the mighty Construct team can fix this ASAP.

    Ashley I also want to note that this is not just an issue on iOS but Android too. The app opens but then gets stuck on a "0%" loading screen (on export with advanced minification).

  • Do fill a proper bug report to help our dev team fix any issue you might be encountering.

    If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation.

  • I haven't investigated this issue any further because I just stumbled upon it when testing around. I'm currently working on another project (raffle machine for twitch) but when I get back to making my iOS game I will check back here to let people know if I can make it work or not. Thanks for any replies though :)

  • Made a simple game and exported it to iOS -> Xcode project.

    Imported it into Xcode using the .xproj file but when I try to run it on a device or a simulator all I get is "build successful" then nothing, it doesn't install and run.

    I have no problems running small sample projects made in other game engines on a device or a simulator.

    Filed a bug report:

  • You should open the .xcworkspace file in xcode.

    Just updated one of my ios apps and it works fine for me.

  • You should open the .xcworkspace file in xcode.

    Just updated one of my ios apps and it works fine for me.

    I think I tried that but then Xcode complained about missing files.

    Tried the .xcworkspace file again (maybe I didn't do that before) but now the game gets stuck on loading screen

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