YoHoho's Recent Forum Activity

  • Played it again.

    What is the player's hit box?

    Super large enemies sometimes have bullet collision even after death.

    Spacing is still an issue: because the game is horizontal from Left to Right, having enemies that appear bottom left AND follow the player closely guarantees damage.

    Can you even get through the game without getting hit?

  • Sending the player back after dying in a space shooter? Bad.

    Spacing between enemies and player being too tight/enemy sizes seem too large? Bad.

    That's pretty much it from me for this demo. Everything else? Good.

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  • It works quite well.

  • Oh boy.

  • I'm looking to create a game with similar perspective and gameplay to Space Harrier


    I really have no idea where to start with something like this. I've have come across a plugin link that was used to created an Out Run prototype but that's about it. No clue as to what the setup is since I've yet to work with this perspective. Any help would be appreciated.

  • I'm really liking how this template was put together, especially since practically everything is done without using functions.

    Now I wanted to ask about having the player move from one area of the level to another without the teleporting effect. Right now I have the player moving to the designated area, but the teleporting wave effect still happens on the player afterwards. How would I go about just having a 'door to door' effect in a level, maybe with a possible fade out -> fade in to new location?

    Also, how would I have a closer view of the player? I didn't want to break any of the events by adding anything without asking.

  • I wanted to ask what would be the best/easiest way to create similar enemies that have added conditions? An example would be having the plant enemy shoot a fireball at the player when the player is within a certain distance.

    With my knowledge I was going to try the following: Cloning the plant -> changing the colors -> adding fireball bullet. However, I'm not sure how the enemy family instances are being created... or whatever. Sometimes cloning/duplicating doesn't work properly because of how things are named within the sprite AND the events so I wanted to ask. Following the PDF and the .capx is pretty easy. Any help would be appreciated and thanks again for creating this great template.

  • Any way you can elaborate?

    LOL! After all of that text which made lots of sense to myself. I'm starting to think that lots of new users don't see the difference between an 'animation' and an 'event'.


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  • Hello,

    I purchased your template and I can't get the file to open because the plugin and behavior add-ons aren't installed. I didn't see any of the .caddon files in the plugin and behavior folders so that I can install. Is there something missing or am I supposed to install them a certain way?


    And never mind! I figure out that I had to use the install path method. Everything's working. Great template!

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Member since 31 Aug, 2015

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