Epic Platformer (Game Templates)

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From the Asset Store
10 Retro songs ideal for platformers or farming games
  • Hello, I also purchased your template. Controller support would be really nice.

    I also noticed if you fire a gun the character stays in place and can’t move for the duration of shooting. He´s basically glued to the floor.

    Can this be modified, to allow a more run-and-gun style of gameplay? Think of something like MegaMen for example.

    Hi kuze86. Yes it should be very easy to implement. Just disable this line:

    I have not tested it extensively, but it should work.

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  • Hello, I noticed that the rope climb (hand over hand) animation does not play.

    I also want to ask where I can turn of the shaking of the player sprite while shooting with certain weapons?

    Also diagonal shooting would be a nice feature (press a modifier button to shoot 45 degrees up and another for 45 degrees down, maybe hold up to shoot upward)

    Thank you.

  • Hi Kuze86

    The 'rope climb' animation plays fine on my computer. Can you post a gif showing the problem? Did you perhaps change the code/graphics?

    Regarding shaking, the player only play an animation on shoot. There is no shake. Again, can you post a gif showing the issue. If you have changed the graphics, then please check the origins point (if set wrong on some frames, the player will properly "shake").

    Diagonal shooting sounds awesome! I will consider adding it to the template.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  • I wanted to ask what would be the best/easiest way to create similar enemies that have added conditions? An example would be having the plant enemy shoot a fireball at the player when the player is within a certain distance.

    With my knowledge I was going to try the following: Cloning the plant -> changing the colors -> adding fireball bullet. However, I'm not sure how the enemy family instances are being created... or whatever. Sometimes cloning/duplicating doesn't work properly because of how things are named within the sprite AND the events so I wanted to ask. Following the PDF and the .capx is pretty easy. Any help would be appreciated and thanks again for creating this great template.

  • This template looks interesting. I just added it to my wishlist to buy it later. I am wondering, however, with a few "tweaks" If I'll be able to add melee weapons/combat to it. I have a project that I'll be using that on

  • I wanted to ask what would be the best/easiest way to create similar enemies that have added conditions? An example would be having the plant enemy shoot a fireball at the player when the player is within a certain distance.

    Hi YoHoho

    There are several approaches to add shooting to plants. An easy one is to do this:

    I just added the marked code (yellow background). It's basically just a copy of the wizard fireball cast.


    Of cause you need to adjust start of fireball and plant "attack" animation.

    Hope that helps

  • This template looks interesting. I just added it to my wishlist to buy it later. I am wondering, however, with a few "tweaks" If I'll be able to add melee weapons/combat to it. I have a project that I'll be using that on

    Hi Ragevortex

    Yes that should be no problem. Melee is already implemented (player will attack with a sword if he has no weapon).

    If more complex melee is to be added I would suggest doing this:

    1. Make a cool attack animation (e.g. swing of axe or perhaps a magic staff) E.g:

    2. Create a "HurtArea". A "HurtArea" can be created easily by the CreateHurtArea function in the Epic Platformer template. It basically just an invisible sprite that exist for a short moment that will hurt any enemies touching it (by using several parameters you can adjust stuff like position, hurt amount and life time).

    2. ... or (if range attack) create one or more moving (Bullet behavior) projectiles (e.g. a fireball). See also the Wizard enemy in the Epic Platformer.

  • Cool. I just got the template in bundle with the other two maps which is cool. I would've liked to have a "spritesheet" for the character to sit and re-draw my frames rather than do them per animation but whatever works. Tried it out and so far looks awesome. It's good to have a good solid ground to build on and being able to concentrate on the art, story and game design. Great job.

  • Hallo,

    sry for the delay, I was busy at work.

    Is there not an animation supposed to play?

  • Hallo,

    sry for the delay, I was busy at work.

    Is there not an animation supposed to play?

    Yes, an animation should play when climbing a rope. It work fine on my computer. I really do not know why it is not playing in your setup.

    Did you change any code or sprites?

    Try pressing 'd' key (it will show some debug info). Is your FPS extreme low (< 5)?

    In the code, in group 'Game: Player animations' the logic for playing 'climb on rope is located.

    Another option is to download the asset again (I just updated it with some few things).

  • Version 1.4 of this asset has been released.

    Among other things, Jumpers has been added. See full list of changes in first post of this forum thread.

    And also, extra graphics is available in the Store!!

    E.g. https://www.scirra.com/store/royalty-free-game-tilemaps/epic-winter-tilemap-3361:

  • I'm really liking how this template was put together, especially since practically everything is done without using functions.

    Now I wanted to ask about having the player move from one area of the level to another without the teleporting effect. Right now I have the player moving to the designated area, but the teleporting wave effect still happens on the player afterwards. How would I go about just having a 'door to door' effect in a level, maybe with a possible fade out -> fade in to new location?

    Also, how would I have a closer view of the player? I didn't want to break any of the events by adding anything without asking.

  • I'm really liking how this template was put together, especially since practically everything is done without using functions.

    Now I wanted to ask about having the player move from one area of the level to another without the teleporting effect. Right now I have the player moving to the designated area, but the teleporting wave effect still happens on the player afterwards. How would I go about just having a 'door to door' effect in a level, maybe with a possible fade out -> fade in to new location?

    Also, how would I have a closer view of the player? I didn't want to break any of the events by adding anything without asking.

    Thanks YoHoho!

    Moving the player to another location on same level should easy. I would suggest you use a zone sprite. Use the action variable (e.g. set it to 'MovePlayer' and add some logic. Here is a sample of action 'ShowText':

    If you need fading and so, take a look at the way the teleport works (copy logic from there as you see fit).

    Regarding zooming , you can use the CameraTool. Just set zoom to e.g. 1.3 and camera will zoom 130%:

    If you need a "complicated" (in my term a 'scene') I would suggest to copy the scene 'HearSound' and adjust the action as you like.

  • Nice Template. Now I do have to mention you are using Function to do some stuff ... you should use it to do some repetitive stuff too like the really repetitive code of the toggle switch... I'm replacing your Player object with my (differently named one) to try some stuff and I noticed how many times its the same again and again... just for optimizations sake I'm sure its not the first time I've had to change things like that but that's the example that comes to mind. I'm still undecided if I want my character pixeled or vector/looking

  • Nice Template. Now I do have to mention you are using Function to do some stuff ... you should use it to do some repetitive stuff too like the really repetitive code of the toggle switch... I'm replacing your Player object with my (differently named one) to try some stuff and I noticed how many times its the same again and again... just for optimizations sake I'm sure its not the first time I've had to change things like that but that's the example that comes to mind. I'm still undecided if I want my character pixeled or vector/looking

    Hi Ragevortex

    Good and true input. Thanks.

    Be sure to post stuff from your game. I would love to see it!

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