The template only works in Constuct 2. I plan to upgrade it to Construct 3 later this summer.
On trying to load it into Construct 3, it brings up the addon/plugin box.
Searching around, all but one of the plugins have already been converted to C3, and load in okay.
The plugin that is missing, and prevents Epic Platformer from loading is "Spritefont+"
The original creator of the plugin hasn't been online in 2 years, so they are unlikely to convert it.
While I have asked in the plugin forum, if someone could kindly convert it, I would ask you if its possible you can use an alternative to the plugin incase it isn't converted soon?
Is the plugin just used for the NPC/cutscene text boxes and could I just easily remove those events and it doesn't affect the rest of the project?
I'm eager to continue work on my project