Death from Above a steampunk shmupNOW WITH DEMO

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​2D Battle backgrounds (from above) is designed for battle or strategy games and are hand drawn.
  • UPDATED26/0517 ok everyone said it was 2 hard so I implement a lives system now you can die 3 times before you restart the level

    PLAY IT NOW ... demo-18080

    Death from Above is my attempt at creating an arcade shmup game taking inspiration from classics like steel empire and gigawing

  • nice artwork.. cool pixel art

    also, it has a good gameplay.

  • nice artwork.. cool pixel art

    also, it has a good gameplay.

    Thanks buddy very few people have seemed to take an interest in this one so it's really great to finally have someone come along and say something nice

  • The pixel art is really great! Looking forward to seeing it in action.

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  • Dammit, I love steampunk and I love pixel art! Pretty excited to see this -- among other things, your first sprite (the huge flying warship) and the town/city background really stand out. That gameplay gif looks awesome, jaw dropped when the buildings came in and the warship floated up.

    Keep it up and keep going, I think this deserves hype!

  • > nice artwork.. cool pixel art


    > also, it has a good gameplay.


    Thanks buddy very few people have seemed to take an interest in this one so it's really great to finally have someone come along and say something nice

    I am doing some art for my fight game and I know how difficult it is. I still dont know how to deal with colors.

    are you going to release it for PC too, or just tablet (mobile devices)?

  • The pixel art is really great! Looking forward to seeing it in action.

    Dammit, I love steampunk and I love pixel art! Pretty excited to see this -- among other things, your first sprite (the huge flying warship) and the town/city background really stand out. That gameplay gif looks awesome, jaw dropped when the buildings came in and the warship floated up.

    Keep it up and keep going, I think this deserves hype!

    I am doing some art for my fight game and I know how difficult it is. I still dont know how to deal with colors.

    are you going to release it for PC too, or just tablet (mobile devices)?

    Compliments positive feedback!!!!! just what's needed, thank all you so much.

    nemezes I will let you in on a little secret I am crap with colors too, so what I do is once I have drawn the outline of my sprite by drawing over my sketch in photoshop I then open up the folder on my computer where I keep sprites from the metal slug games, then I use the colors from them.

    I will release the game on everything it plays slightly better on the PC since it sometimes slows down a little bit on a tablet when a lot is happening at once.

    Once the first level is finished I will put it on the scirra arcade as a demo

  • Yes I am still working on this game I just spent forever trying to keep the framerate when you play it on phones and tablets I don't much to show off so here some concept art for the level 2 boss the idea is a submarine with a robot squid you would fight the sub then after it takes enough damage it drops the submarine and you have the fight the robot squid.

  • spent the day morning creating a logo for my game this is just wip I will color it in tomorrow

  • well there it is what do you all think?

  • You understand design. Clearly.

  • well there it is what do you all think?

    I think it'd look better if the word "DEATH" had shading on the top instead of the bottom.

  • >

    > well there it is what do you all think?


    I think it'd look better if the word "DEATH" had shading on the top instead of the bottom.

    you are right that does look better

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