How do I export to Wii U? Also other export questions.

    #1: With free version of Construct 2 what exporting, others are impossible to do unlike full bought version of Construct 2?

    #2: Will my sound files have to be in a different format (example .wav instead of .mid) when exporting a game to something (example Wii U)?

    #3: Do I need a license to export my game with only non pirated stuff of any format of game (example Wii U format)?

    #4: /\ If Yes how do I get such licenses please?

    #5: Do all exported game files come with the ability to load external resources (example link to sound on a website to play it, mention background image file name destination amd file name and load the background etc.)?

    #6: /\ If only some exported formats of game come with the ability to have external resources loaded then what exported game formats come with the ability to load external resources?

    #7: For each exporting game (Wii U, HTML 5, Windows 10 etc.) what kind of sound files are able to work properly?

    #8: For each exporting game (Wii U, HTML 5, Windows 10 etc.) what music file types will work properly?

    #9: How for each exported game (Wii U, HTML 5 etc.) do I properly put it online for download?

    #10: How with each exporting possibilities (HTML 5, Wii U etc.) do I export my game properly?

    #11: Which exported game files (IPhone, Wii U, HTML 5 etc.) come with the ability to load stuff from a USB flash drive?

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    I think the hardest part would be getting the time machine.

    I'd be willing to bet that the non disclosure agreement would still cover everything else, even though it's a defunct console.

    Due to an NDA with Scirra, no WIIU discussions can take place on this forum.

    Regarding your other questions - from what I can see, every one has been answered many times previously either via the manual or the forum.

    Please try to use search before posting.

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