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  • I want to have a smooth camera transition effect.

    The basic idea is to have a smooth camera, that follows the player, and ""slides" (or eases into and out of) so to speak when the player turns around and then catches up to him and proceeds him 300 pixels. This set of events is to apply to both sides. I am finding 2 difficulties:

    1) Once the LERP command is still in motion, transferring this LERP into another LERP creates a hard pull instead of a smooth ease.

    2) The camera lags behind the player once he is in motion, instead of proceeding him by 300 pixels. It only does so once he has stopped.

  • Hi, I have been working on a camera smoothly following a player for the past 2 days trying out different portions of events to no avail.

    I am finding that the LERP function along with "scroll to" behavior keeps the camera lagging behind the player, mainly do to the fact that the player is moving, and the "x" value in LERP is too small and thus cannot catch up with the player when he is moving, only does so when he stops.

    I was thinking that the "x" value needs to be a value that is exponentially growing from 0 to a value, lets say 0,03 in order to move ahead of the player after a short time while the player is still running, and then stopping ahead of the player at the "b" destination. The thing is I don't know how to implement a formula that would exponentially increase the value (accelerate) then exponentially decrease the value (decelerate).

    I have tried nesting a LERP inside a LERP in the place of the "x" value but still cant work it out.

    I would appreciate any help I have been pulling hairs lately.

  • Thanks for the replies. Oh wow, all this time I was always pressing on the animation frame in the animation-frames box, then I tried to highlight somehow all the animation frames to update them, when all that was necessary was to click anywhere in the dialog box but an animation frame.

    Thanks for the help once again.

  • Are you talking about the "reload" button inside the Construct 2 image editor? It updates each frame separately not all at once.

  • Updating all the frames inside my animation in Construct 2, all at once by clicking refresh/reload only one time, instead on all the frames that are inside the animation.

  • Anyone...?

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  • Hmm, now Im thinking that it would be best to set some sort of a sensor at the edges of the map, so that the camera does not pass this sensor, while still retaining the unbounded scrolling turned on.

  • Hi I have been trying for the past 30 minutes to work this tutorial into my game but it just doesnt seem to want to work right.

    Tutorial: ... ing-camera

    With unbounded scrolling turned on it works fine, but I want it to be bounded and scroll to the player once he moves around the scene and be bound by the scene boundary. This only works in the Y axis and not in the X axis and I dont know why...

    Also the camera is snapping once it reaches the boundary in Y and I would like it to ease in using the LERP function.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Is it possible to update all the animation frames, so that they automatically refresh with the ones that I have overwritten? It is really really tedious to go over each frame over and over once I update the frames externally

    Please tell me this is doable somehow...

  • Well all is well in Opera until I enter full screen browser mode using F11, then the game starts being choppy. Is it really only me with these problems?

  • From what I know, it is best to use sprite resolution while applying the power of 2 rule.

  • - thanks, but you better recheck the score dude!

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