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  • Hi Tumira, yep I have the latest drivers I double checked that. Firefox is also the newest of versions.

    It seem that the issue has to do with the Windows live update. Ive turned it off some weeks ago but unfortunately it managed to download some updates, and as I did some reading on the internet there are loads of people that have issues with their system being slow simply because the updates made it slow.

    Will have to make a new fresh Windows install and turn of the updates immediately during the first launch. Lesson learned.

    Don't exactly know when I will be doing that but I will let you all know how it went and whether or not it solved the darn laggy problem.

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  • I have disabled "hardware acceleration" in Firefox browser settings, and that fixed the scrolling artifact issues, but still there is some lag from time to time.

    So there is a partial victory here.

    Will try to dig up some more information regarding this, hopefully someone else had similar problems which they've solved.


  • I have just installed the software, my first post was just a couple minutes after.

    My Construct 2 version is: Release 212.2 (64-bit)

    The same problem appears in Opera, a "rewinding" line appears from time to time and there is choppy gameplay.

    My screen resolution is 1920x1200. Same thing happens when in full screen as in windowed mode.

    All in all my system is a few months after formatting and a fresh reinstall.

    Any other ideas to what the source of the problem might be?

  • Solomon

    > Hi,

    > I am a new user, just registered and downloaded Stencyl for the first time


    Wrong software.

    I have the GTX 970 and the 'Flapping Bird' template runs fine.

    Try it on a different browser.

    Try disabling all Firefox addons.

    Eh, yeah long day/week during which I was/am testing out different programs, sorry for the typo should not have happened

    I fixed my post, and my apologies once again.

    Well sure it might work with GTX 970, that is why I was asking specifically about someone with the same card and drivers as I have. Will check other browsers now, thanks for the reply.

  • Ok, Im back.

    Restarting and turning the antivirus off did not help anything.

    The choppiness isn't constant, it comes and goes. It looks like an oldschool tape refreshing issue on the screen, sort of a "rewinding" effect, and sometimes it slows down as well during.

    Does anyone here have a GTX 960 to confirm that its not an issue with the graphics card?

    I feel a bit bummed out at the moment, hopefully I can get past this issue.



    The same thing happens with other templates

  • Hi,

    I am a new user, just registered and downloaded Construct 2 for the first time.

    Ive opened the Flappy Bird template, as it came with the package and clicked on run layout.

    Now straight away the game is choppy and laggy with the settings that came straight out of the box.

    My machine is a high end workstation with 16GB of RAM, 64 bit Windows 7, up to date drivers for Nvidia 960GTX and multi-threaded processors.

    I am running Firefox and have plenty of room on my hard drive.

    Any ideas to what might be causing the lag? Can other users run the Flappy Bird template smoothly? I will try to go offline and try to run the template after a computer restart and after disabling the antivirus software. Other than that I don't have to many ideas on what might be causing the issue.

    I would be grateful for any insights.

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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