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  • Wow, this looks really clean and great so far! Can't wait to see more.

    Thanks! If you'd like you can give a play if you'd like. I just uploaded a demo version, link is above in the post.

  • Hello everyone! First time posting this game here.


    It is hosted on Google Drive, be patient as is loads.

    Any feedback, critique, ideas, anything is welcome.

    Music doesn't belong to me and is only a placeholder.

    Here's a quick preview of the game. (with older sprites)

    Basically it's a 4-player local couch multiplayer game where you battle it out with tanks!

    Here are gameplay examples with some mechanics.

    Bullet time dodging

    . This map is really dark and has been fixed since.

    Bullet deflection

    EMP Blast power-up

    I'm currently in my second month in developing the game, with a few more or several more months ahead of me. As I've already mentioned, I'm open to all suggestions, critiques, and anything really.

    I actually need ideas for the title of my game, few ideas I have are: Pixel Cannons, and Typhoon Tanks.

    If anyone is also willing to help out with AI, that would be great. So far they all have basic pathfinding and turret behaviors, thus they are very easy to play against. I still have to implement better shooting patterns, like line of sight so they don't waste their shots. And maybe peeking behavior but I don't know how to do that.

    If you want more frequent updates on the game I would love that you say hi on Twitter:

  • If you want to enhance it, make pieces of the tank that look broken, and add the "bullet" behavior with bounce enabled. Then On Created ---->set angle: int(random(0,360)).

    They will fly apart,and bounce off solids when they spawn

    Cool looking game, reminds me of Combat for the Atari 2600, The worlds very first home console "Bro-Game" in cartridge form.

    This is perfect!! Thank you! I just improved the animation sprites of my explosions and I wanted to add giblets. I just figured I'd just make them as animated sprites but your suggestion is much better. It'll make the destruction more physical since it'll bounce of the walls.

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  • Thank you everyone, I'll give it a go and see if it works.

    Also wanted to say I love your explosion animations :3

    Thank you :3

  • Hello all! First time poster here and would like some help.

    Let's say I have 20 levels at the moment and I want the game to randomly load another level after one is completed. BUT, I do not want it to repeat the same levels. There are several occasions where it would load the same level again, and it'll get repetitive for players.

    Right now this is what I have:

    Go to layout "Map "&floor(random(Number_of_Maps)+1)

    This is the event for when you start a game, so it randomly loads a level from (1-Number_of_Maps), Number_of_Maps being a Global Variable I have. This event also happens once you complete a level, it randomly loads another. Once a level is loaded though, I want it to be out of the selection pool so that we don't return to it again.

    If you curious what my game is, it is a top-down local multiplayer game with battle tanks.

    Thanks for helping me out!

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Kirklight Games

Member since 30 Jul, 2015

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