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  • Thanks ryanrybot! Appreciate it

  • Looks great

    Thanks spongehammer!

  • Above is my Greenlight trailer, here are some gifs:

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  • Ballistic Tanks is an intense, local multiplayer shooter where you battle with tanks. Compete with friends and destroy each other in a frenzy of bullets, lasers, and explosions in a variety of chaotic game modes. Go ballistic as destruction and mayhem will ensue not only in game, but outside of it as well.

    Here are some gameplay gifs:

    Just submitted the game to Greenlight here, and it's been one crazy ride. Construct 2 is great man.

  • Hey everyone!

    I would like to thank Scirra for their wonderful engine. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have started with game development at all. I started several months ago, had to learn a lot of things before I got to this point.

    Ballistic Tanks is an intense, local multiplayer shooter where you battle with tanks. Compete with friends and destroy each other in a frenzy of bullets, lasers, and explosions in a variety of chaotic game modes. Go ballistic as destruction and mayhem will ensue not only in game, but outside of it as well.

    Anyway straight to the action, here are some gifs:

    I still have quite a lot of work to do before it is finished, and I would appreciate it if you could give my Greenlight a vote.

    Thank you so much for checking out my game.

  • You would need a level to oversee the loading of the levels. After each level you would return to the overseer level to load the next level. When you load a level it marks off that it has been run by toggling a Boolean variable. (Only in Construct 2 we do not have Global boolean variables so you need to make one with an intager and use 0 and 1)

    That is the simplest for non-programmers that I know of, The more complex version would get the maps from an array. Once it loads a map, it Pops or delete the index that the map info was in, so only the maps that have no run yet remain.

    You can then save the array To as local storage. And load it again when needed.

    Thanks for the reply, but I'll be honest and say that I still do not really know how to achieve this exactly. Would you be inclined to help me out more with details if you don't mind? Thank you so much.

  • And once the level is loaded, remove it from the index?

    I'm still very new to Construct 2, and much more to arrays so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • Hello! Didn't know there was an official introduction thread. Greetings from Toronto.

    I have a thread on my game, would appreciate if you could check it out!


  • Well, lets start from the obvious, this game is a clean hit, nice graphics (for an alpha) an good thought out movement of the tanks/sprites.

    Now to the critique and ideas!

    Thank you for checking out, and for the detailed feedback!

    I thing the bullet time is a little bit confusing, ok it is nice that i can turn it off, but I think It might be better to start as off on default, or even better to give it only on the last kill!

    This one I'm constantly working on and tweaking. Players have mentioned that dodging should be made easier since all kills are instant. And unlike platform games, there is no dash/jump button on my tanks so there is no easy reflex dodge. I'll work on this continuously and see what the best balance is for players.

    I like the levels simplicity and they work quite well, have in mind that after I died a couple times in a row from a new comer with invulnerability, I tended to mask my tank behind obstacles.

    So you have to expect heavy camping taking place in the game. You might thing something that will force someone to camp less.

    Level design is so tricky I've learned, especially like you said when a new tank comes in with invulnerability. I'm thinking that they'll be invulnerable only when they are in the spawn area, instead of having a quick timer after they spawn. This way they won't be able to bring their shields out into the map. But this also is going to introduce the problem of camping like you said. I'll test this out some more. As for preventing camping, I have a grenade-ish powerup that bounces off walls and explodes on proximity. This is for those tricky angles, this again needs more testing.

    One thing is the delay between shots, great idea but it is a little confusing as to when you are ready to shoot again, maybe a loading bar on the tank will help that.

    A possible power up will be faster loading for example!

    Yes I've been trying to make a reload bar work actually, I'm still a little confused on how I want to implement it though, but it is a work in progress.

    An the thing that I didn't like was that I could see the spawn point of my enemy, that gave me an advantage, even though he has the shield.

    Do you considering diversify the spawn points? Ok its a small level but you may add two, three more and random spawn on one of them the next player.

    Thank you for bringing this up. Yeah I think I should adjust this a little, on other maps I have more than 4 spawn points, but it really depends on the map so I will adjust this as well.

    Overall a great game with very good potential. I really like the explosions and the graphics.

    Also, the name looks good, I like it!

    I'm looking forward for more updates!

    Thank you so much for the detailed feedback and checking out the game. I hope my response wasn't too long. I have been working on a update for the past week-ish so I hope to update the demo soon as well.

  • I'd love to see this on Nexus Player, Razer Forge and the likes. This would be such perfect game for a boys-only-evening

    I haven't considered those options yet, but I think I should. Thanks.

  • I need to bump this since I don't want to make a new topic.

    But I need help with this arrays. I'm still learning Consttruct 2 and haven't delved into learning arrays yet.

    I've tried looking at tutorials but it still confused me.

    How do I pull numbers from an array that will load a level? And how do I remove the number that has been used?

    Basically, I don't know how to do random level loading without repetition.

  • Awesome design

    Thank you!

    I tried it, very nice.

    Can you add AZERTY control ? or key arrows, im french and impossible to play in qwertz with my azerty keyboard.

    Thank you for checking it out. Oh I hadn't thought about that, thank you for letting me know. I'll make the changes and update it soon.

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Kirklight Games

Member since 30 Jul, 2015

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