Crazedgoalie56's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hmm interesting. May be worth a test at some point, I'm just not convinced about web OS yet.

  • This seems similar to Chrome OS. Looks to be the same browser based, web app functionality. Any word on if this is going to require internet connection for most functions?

  • So say I have the banner with the title. The banner is like a 500x300 sprite for example. The title is just text over a loop of passing landscape. As if someone took a video straight down from a plane, then pasted text directly over it.

  • Ah excuse my insolence, I literally just figured it out on accident. Apparently I just had to tell it to go to a new layout >.<

    Well I guess I should throw in my other question, how would I go about having like a GIF of some kind as a menu banner? I want the background to the text to look like scrolling ground.

    Ugh I need to not program after 10 PM. Sorry again.

  • Is it possible to make a menu in Construct 2?

    I want to have it so that when I click on my "New Game" button, for example, it takes me to a new screen where I will have a few variables that will go into world creation. How would I go about doing this?

  • I think that on top of this (if I am understanding what tile maps are correctly that is ;) ) that there should also be a feature that allows the maps to be randomly generated on start up.

    Say I want the player to be able to start a game and have the map randomly generate with different types of tiles that can be added in, that is what I mean.

  • I'm on android (Samsung Galaxy S Captive). And I love it! I rooted it but have yet to add a ROM, just never found one I was fond of. Sadly though, because I am on AT&T, it's only 2.1 instead of 2.2 or 2.3 :( But I will upgrade the firmware once I am back home :D As for the apps, there are really only a few apps I use that often. Sure there are a few games for iPhone I can't play on Android, but all of my productivity apps and other daily use apps are on my phone.

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  • I have a couple questions. First, I want the ground to be randomly generated from a few different textures. So let me explain. I have three different types of "ground" textures: grass, tundra, desert. Each has its own value (will be a resource value in game). I want to make it so that the miner sprites will leave behind a random choosing of the three. Is there a way to do that? Also, is there a way to have the clean up event turn whatever is not desert, grass, or tundra into ocean?

  • Hey just thoguht I would introduce myself.

    Names Drew. I'm an American Exchange student currently in Sweden and while here I had some inspiration to follow the game design I have been playing with for a couple years now.

    I was brought to Construct from (which is a great site!). I was brought there by a forum and was brought to the forum by the Minecraft community page. I had already been playing with Unity, but found Construct. I have played with it for a couple days now and I have fallen in love with the Event system!

    This idea of mine is really great (but for now stays with me). When it finally comes out publicly I am hoping that it is everything that I want it to be and that people will get as much enjoyment out of it as I hope they will!

  • Well currently PayPal isn't an option for reasons that I won't beg]in to explain (TL;DR). So I guess for now I will be flying free. And what I meant is, will I be able to export this to something besides HTML5 with construct 2? (I think I read something about it but am not sure, don't want to spend money on something when it only exports to HTML5). And don't say ha, the reason I asked is because I am a very optimistic person. I do however realize that that is a very lofty goal, the real question is how to handle it if I started making a bunch of money for some odd reason.

  • Well I'm sure this isn't the first time many of you have heard this.. but..

    I have been working this idea for a game around in my head for almost two years now. Just been kind of thinking it over, rolling it around, playing with different possibilities. I think that construct is really what I want to design it in as it is the best studio I have found so far. I have a couple of concerns though and they really are nagging at me:

    1) Can you even make money off of an HTML5 game?

    -Now I know my first thought should not be about money, and it wasn't. My inspiration for making this game came from the fact that I have yet to find anything like it. As far as my idea goes, it is completely original. But if I ever got the game to a point where it was sellable, how would I even do it? I assume a website should be my first step, but then what?

    2) Should I move on to make the game in another language once it begins to get really complex?

    -Construct is awesome, but once this game starts getting really inclusive and complex, should I move on to a new language and a new coding system?

    3) How do I get my game out there?

    -For a bit at least I think I just want a few friends helping me out with test. So far only I and one other are aware of the actual gameplay and have access to the idea board that sprang up a while back. So I will be getting some outside testing from close friends. But say I decide in Alpha or Beta that I want to get this out to the community. How should I get my game shown? Should I charge any money? If not when should I?

    4) IF this game somehow gets big, should a company come next?

    -Say I get this game out there and it is a huge success, beyond my wildest dreams. All of a sudden I am being told to start a company and copyright everything and trademark names. that thought is just way too overwhelming. Should I hire someone to help em out at that point?

    I know this is a lot to answer, don't feel inclined to answer them all, if you have even a partial answer for one of them I would be incredibly grateful. I want to do this more than anything but not if all my hard work is going to go to waste in the end!

  • Yeah I just found one. I had happened to over look it because it was not named about creating maps.

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Member since 12 Sep, 2011

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