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  • Bummer. Well thank you for your help.

  • Ok that is really awesome! I noticed one bug: When you press Enter to get in a vehicle, if you are right next to more than one vehicle, it is possible to drive two or three tanks at once.

    But other than that the game is really great! Good graphics and responsive, was a good time blowing stuff up :)

  • Alright that is incredibly helpful. I just found this tutorial on here about making the tile sprites show up randomly everytime so OI am going to follow that. Otherwise, I think what I want to do is eventually have it so that you can use this without a web browser, in a .exe format (though I would settle for Java if it was easier). And I can't seem to find a good development studio for it (Unity is too complicated for what I want to do at this point). I just want to know if there is an easy way to bring a game which was created in Construct and convert it to say C++ or Java or something.

  • I was wondering if someone could make a tutorial showing how to make a top view map? I want my gameplay to pan out somewhat like the Civilization games. So a world flattened out that I can scroll around however I want. I want to see if it is possible to have maps randomly generated so I don't have to have premade maps?

  • Well I will mess with it when I don't have to devide my attention between the game and class!

    Thanks for the help though, I think that premade worlds would be easiest for now. I can set up a menu system where each variable sets up a chain of events and a map is created in the end.

  • OK Shoot. I was hoping someone had already figured out some kind of crazy algorithm to create a random world ;)

    I guess for now I will stick with premade worlds.

    I have plans to eventually move this over to a C++ coded game to make it a bit more inclusive because I have this really great idea that I think would sell well. but I think for the indev stage I will keep it as an HTML5 game.

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  • So what you're saying is that I have to have world's premade and can set some events so that a specific world spawns when specific variables are chosen? At like a load up screen?

  • is there a way to have a world randomly generated when the game starts, and then to keep that world and its info around (yes a save game)? The way I imagine my game is in a manner not that unsimilar to Civilization, a scrolling flat world.

    Also can I use construct to port the game from HTML5 to say C++ easily?

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Member since 12 Sep, 2011

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