Crazedgoalie56's Forum Posts

  • When I go to use the "Insert Hyperlink" function in a PM, it allows me to put in what dialogue to use and what link to put it. However, it always inserts the text with the code at the very very bottom of the message, so you have to scroll down and cut/paste it to the top. Not really that big of a deal, but just thought I would point it out. I am using the latest version of Chrome.

  • Hmm thanks for the warning, I will give it to a few friends to test.

  • Hmm I guess we will have to see how it plays out then. I am still skeptical of how well the regular desktop will function considering it will be an app, that usually translates to slower. At least it does in my experience.

  • Urled how would you do that exactly?

  • Exactly what I did. It is a global object, and it is on the main menu layout. I have the event: (Trigger Once): Audiere: Load Music (filename) as "Alias"

    It is set to repeat on a constant loop at 75% volume. But everytime I go back to the main menu from any other it restarts, i dont want that to happen

  • Yeah I could see that making sense. The only thing I gotta figure out now is to make it not start over when i go back to the main menu. I just want the song on a constant global loop.

  • Whoo it works!!! Thanks for the share Jayjay, I think that XAudio2 is unfriendly to my computer. Thanks again for sharing!

  • OK so no luck. It is an MP3 and I made my events look exactly as yours did. I also fixed the link, not sure why it wasn't working.

  • Nothing worked.

    Here is my .cap:

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  • On the note of testing the music, mine will not work. I have it in the music subfolder, and my event is: "On start of layout" "XAudio2: play music AppPath & Music\EpicScale.mp3"

    But the music won't play when I run it or compile it out to an .exe. Any suggestions? I know I am doing something wrong but the sourceforge video link is bad. I didn't see anything in the tutorials section, but if there is something a link would be awesome,

  • OK that is what I was thinking but I just wanted to check.

  • So I exported my game to .exe just to test the music out (it is still very basic, just a menu really). When I ran the file nothing happened. Then I got a popup from Norton saying that it had blocked a "High Risk Program" and that my computer was now safe (it deleted the file I believe).

    ..should that worry me?

  • Oh alright that is awesome. Thank you very much, this is incredibly helpful. Now I just have to wait for tile map support and .exe export features :D

  • Yeah I thought about it but it doesn't look like when you type it all out that it is one value, but many. So I have to come up with a way to have an event so that it will put it together as a value

  • I think I am going to try and mess with it and see if there is a way to have it so that when you type a letter on the keyboard, it tells the program to type that. Do you have a way so that the final name or word can be recognized as a value and be given to something, like say, a save game file?