Crazedgoalie56's Forum Posts

  • I'm on android (Samsung Galaxy S Captive). And I love it! I rooted it but have yet to add a ROM, just never found one I was fond of. Sadly though, because I am on AT&T, it's only 2.1 instead of 2.2 or 2.3 :( But I will upgrade the firmware once I am back home :D As for the apps, there are really only a few apps I use that often. Sure there are a few games for iPhone I can't play on Android, but all of my productivity apps and other daily use apps are on my phone.

  • I have a couple questions. First, I want the ground to be randomly generated from a few different textures. So let me explain. I have three different types of "ground" textures: grass, tundra, desert. Each has its own value (will be a resource value in game). I want to make it so that the miner sprites will leave behind a random choosing of the three. Is there a way to do that? Also, is there a way to have the clean up event turn whatever is not desert, grass, or tundra into ocean?

  • Hey just thoguht I would introduce myself.

    Names Drew. I'm an American Exchange student currently in Sweden and while here I had some inspiration to follow the game design I have been playing with for a couple years now.

    I was brought to Construct from (which is a great site!). I was brought there by a forum and was brought to the forum by the Minecraft community page. I had already been playing with Unity, but found Construct. I have played with it for a couple days now and I have fallen in love with the Event system!

    This idea of mine is really great (but for now stays with me). When it finally comes out publicly I am hoping that it is everything that I want it to be and that people will get as much enjoyment out of it as I hope they will!

  • Well currently PayPal isn't an option for reasons that I won't beg]in to explain (TL;DR). So I guess for now I will be flying free. And what I meant is, will I be able to export this to something besides HTML5 with construct 2? (I think I read something about it but am not sure, don't want to spend money on something when it only exports to HTML5). And don't say ha, the reason I asked is because I am a very optimistic person. I do however realize that that is a very lofty goal, the real question is how to handle it if I started making a bunch of money for some odd reason.

  • Well I'm sure this isn't the first time many of you have heard this.. but..

    I have been working this idea for a game around in my head for almost two years now. Just been kind of thinking it over, rolling it around, playing with different possibilities. I think that construct is really what I want to design it in as it is the best studio I have found so far. I have a couple of concerns though and they really are nagging at me:

    1) Can you even make money off of an HTML5 game?

    -Now I know my first thought should not be about money, and it wasn't. My inspiration for making this game came from the fact that I have yet to find anything like it. As far as my idea goes, it is completely original. But if I ever got the game to a point where it was sellable, how would I even do it? I assume a website should be my first step, but then what?

    2) Should I move on to make the game in another language once it begins to get really complex?

    -Construct is awesome, but once this game starts getting really inclusive and complex, should I move on to a new language and a new coding system?

    3) How do I get my game out there?

    -For a bit at least I think I just want a few friends helping me out with test. So far only I and one other are aware of the actual gameplay and have access to the idea board that sprang up a while back. So I will be getting some outside testing from close friends. But say I decide in Alpha or Beta that I want to get this out to the community. How should I get my game shown? Should I charge any money? If not when should I?

    4) IF this game somehow gets big, should a company come next?

    -Say I get this game out there and it is a huge success, beyond my wildest dreams. All of a sudden I am being told to start a company and copyright everything and trademark names. that thought is just way too overwhelming. Should I hire someone to help em out at that point?

    I know this is a lot to answer, don't feel inclined to answer them all, if you have even a partial answer for one of them I would be incredibly grateful. I want to do this more than anything but not if all my hard work is going to go to waste in the end!

  • Yeah I just found one. I had happened to over look it because it was not named about creating maps.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Bummer. Well thank you for your help.

  • Ok that is really awesome! I noticed one bug: When you press Enter to get in a vehicle, if you are right next to more than one vehicle, it is possible to drive two or three tanks at once.

    But other than that the game is really great! Good graphics and responsive, was a good time blowing stuff up :)

  • Alright that is incredibly helpful. I just found this tutorial on here about making the tile sprites show up randomly everytime so OI am going to follow that. Otherwise, I think what I want to do is eventually have it so that you can use this without a web browser, in a .exe format (though I would settle for Java if it was easier). And I can't seem to find a good development studio for it (Unity is too complicated for what I want to do at this point). I just want to know if there is an easy way to bring a game which was created in Construct and convert it to say C++ or Java or something.

  • I was wondering if someone could make a tutorial showing how to make a top view map? I want my gameplay to pan out somewhat like the Civilization games. So a world flattened out that I can scroll around however I want. I want to see if it is possible to have maps randomly generated so I don't have to have premade maps?

  • Well I will mess with it when I don't have to devide my attention between the game and class!

    Thanks for the help though, I think that premade worlds would be easiest for now. I can set up a menu system where each variable sets up a chain of events and a map is created in the end.

  • OK Shoot. I was hoping someone had already figured out some kind of crazy algorithm to create a random world ;)

    I guess for now I will stick with premade worlds.

    I have plans to eventually move this over to a C++ coded game to make it a bit more inclusive because I have this really great idea that I think would sell well. but I think for the indev stage I will keep it as an HTML5 game.

  • So what you're saying is that I have to have world's premade and can set some events so that a specific world spawns when specific variables are chosen? At like a load up screen?

  • is there a way to have a world randomly generated when the game starts, and then to keep that world and its info around (yes a save game)? The way I imagine my game is in a manner not that unsimilar to Civilization, a scrolling flat world.

    Also can I use construct to port the game from HTML5 to say C++ easily?