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  • Oh alright that is awesome. Thank you very much, this is incredibly helpful. Now I just have to wait for tile map support and .exe export features :D

  • Yeah I thought about it but it doesn't look like when you type it all out that it is one value, but many. So I have to come up with a way to have an event so that it will put it together as a value

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  • I think I am going to try and mess with it and see if there is a way to have it so that when you type a letter on the keyboard, it tells the program to type that. Do you have a way so that the final name or word can be recognized as a value and be given to something, like say, a save game file?

  • Ah thanks. Excited to see how this works.

  • Your link keeps giving me a 404. Is that the public link?

  • Well that is some good motivation. I have yet to come across a game that is quite like mine. There are a couple that are distantly similar, but nothing quite on the scale of mine. I'm hoping that I can get it going pretty well here, that would be absolutely amazing! For now I am working in CC because it has some features I need. But when C2 gets to a point where I can do everything I need, I think I might move to that.

    P.S. Anyone happen to know if there is going to be an easy way to convert a .cap to a .capx to bring it from CC to C2?

  • I am kind of bummed that this is the way technology is going. In my view Microsoft would be smart to keep an up to date desktop style OS (like 7) around, not only a tablet style Os (like 8). The reason for this is that unless there is some miracle breakthrough, a good portion of the industry will remain desktop dependent, due to the fact that I don't see tablet or portable hardware surpassing desktop hardware anytime soon. Serious gamers, or those using their computer for heavy duty workloads, will prefer something like 7 instead of 8 because it is optimized for a desktop computer and not a tablet or touchscreen.

    TL;DR : Either a whole industry will have to adapt or Microsoft will have to keep an up to date desktop OS.

    Disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion ;)

  • You totally just gave me an idea.

    I assume that by built, you mean you used sprites or something for each letter? And then just had an event that input the correct letter? How exactly did you get the input to show up and be recognized by your program? The only concern I have is that I would need the name to be a single value so that it could be shown in text with a global variable.

  • Alright that is what I had figured. Thanks for looking though.

  • So I took another look again, I don't think there is any form of text editing in C2 (as far as I can tell), anyone happen to know or have stumbled upon soemthing?

  • Thanks. I fixed it, should work now.

  • So I am trying to make it so that users can set text (I want people to be able to name worlds).

    Link to my file

    On the NewGame layout and event sheet. I want users to be able to change "Text2" (Insert World Name) to whatever they want. I set a global variable for the text but I am not sure how to make it be user defined. Any suggestions?

    I've been playing with it for a couple hours, I just am clueless about this.

    Edit: Fixed link

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Member since 12 Sep, 2011

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