Some expressions (like Audio.PlaybackTime) only work with the Web Audio API - and I don't know if cocoonjs makes use of this.
Yeah, being able to put families in families would be a nice feature. Ashley Is this an engine constraint?
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Yeah, rotating the layout and scrolling doesn't seem to influence effects like this. I doubt there's a workaround, Ashley will have to fix them separately.
— I have a hard time believing they would even check PM's as they aren't active in the site ;)
vila4480 my thoughts exactly :D
JohnnySheffield really cool! thanks!
There may be a better way, but basically I've done one of two things...
1. use an array with one value
2. before you reset globals, set a local variable called 'PreserveMute' to the value of Mute. after the reset, set 'Mute' to 'PreserveMute'.
By the way - if anyone can't wait, R0J0hound made a nice example a while back using a catmull-rom spline algorithm. I used it in airscape for the orbital bullets. Some of the C2 changes have broken it however so I won't post it here.
Yes, Ashley just said that if you email them you will be able to pay the difference. So don't worry!
A more 'traditional' way to do ease out is to use this formula:
set x to lerp(self.x,destinationx,dt * factor)
same for y.
Arima ah, I see. JohnnySheffield does node-webkit support proper fullscreen?
t /= d means t = t / d. basically a shortcut for 'set t to t / d'.
It looks like you copied the function over wrong - the t /= d comes in a separate line on the linked website. I don't see why you put it into the algorithm.
Breaking it up into frames isn't an option. What's wrong with the video plugin? right click stop/start doesn't seem to be that much of an issue...
Member since 5 Sep, 2011