Sergeyk's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi Lucid,

    I have one question.

    I use new self draw mode for my Spriter animations.

    How can I add sound into C2 if I do not drag scml file to C2? (I double click on C2 layout and add scml plugin - according the new instruction of using self draw mode)

    Thank you in advance, I spent 3 hours trying to add sound into C2 with new mode


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  • Problem Description

    System Save, Load and local storage do not work after compile with to iOS (webview mode)

    Attach a Capx

    any system save/load operation ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    Blue sprite becomes red in 5 seconds. After that system save comes to action.

    By pressing green sprite you can system load to the moment when blue sprite becomes red

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - Export Project as Cordova (minify unchecked, WKWebView unchecked)
    • Step 2 - delete xml file
    • Step 3 - Achieve project and put to cloud
    • Step 4 - delete all plugins expect ios plugin (com.ludei.webviewplus.ios) in cocoon.oi
    • Step 5 - Compile project as native app with option webview+ to iOS
    • Step 6 - Download compiled achieve and open in XCODE
    • Step 7 - Export from XCODE as for Ad HOC Deployment
    • Step 8 - app.ipa file and copy it to i_tunes
    • Step 9 - Connect iOS device and install app on it
    • Step 10 - Run app and play until one of the save points.
    • Step 11 - Fully quit app and run from the begining
    • Step 12 - Load from the saved slot - data on slot fully lost


    install Cocoon Dev on iOS device

    Run preview mode in in Construct 2

    Run Construct 2 game in Cocoon Dev with web view or webview+ mode

    Observed Result

    After app is fully quit (swiped off ) in iOS, local storage data are lost.

    Load and Save work during app is not fully closed.

    Expected Result

    Use save load system function, store data into local storage

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: NO
    • FireFox: NO
    • Internet Explorer: have not checked
    • Safary: NO
    • Gapphone - published as native app to iOS - NO
    • - published as native app to iOS - YES with option webview and webview+
    • - published as native app to iOS - NO with option canvas+
    • Cocoon dev app - as preview -NO if run as canvas+
    • Cocoon dev app - as preview -YES if run as webview+ and webview

    Operating System and Service Pack

    OS X EL Capitan v. 10.11.5 (Construct 2 runs on virtualbox, Windows 10 64-bit )

    Construct 2 Version ID r231 64-bit

  • Hi Everyone,

    with r231 you can get your WebGL working on iOS.

    you are able to compile with Cocoonjs cloud (webview+) and get high performance.

    you need export project as cordova

    • uncheck UIWevView
    • uncheck minify

    in Cocoonjs delete plugin Wishlist Cordova

    All works fine (no black screen) except Statuc bar is showing in ois but i think it can be hidden in XCODE

    Hava a good one,


  • Hi Guys,

    I use r231 and after compiling with CocoonJs cloud(webview+ mode) I have construct 2 system save/load don't work.

    It works fine if I compile with Phonegap but webview+ gives much more efficient CPU usage.

    Please advise if any ideas to save load in CocoonJS?

  • Hi Everyone,

    Please advise if any solutions were found on this issue?

    My game really needs to use WebGL in iOS otherwise performance is unplayable.

    If you have any other solution please share the knowledge

    Thank you,


  • Hi Carlosgs!

    Have you solved that problem?

    Thank you,


  • I've got the solution based on your comment!!! Thank you very much again!

    Here is the example:

    Every 0.1 sec. - Arrow Set Angle: angle( 0 , 0 , arrow.Physics.VelocityX , arrow.Physics.VelocityY )

    Easy and cosy

  • thank you for your help Fisholith

  • HI Guys,

    I'm looking for action -- then Fire a "Arrow" with physics and a Denser Physic at the Arrow Head ---

    I need to simulate the flight of the arrow.

    When arrow's reaching max height

    1. The edge of the arrow should fall first and only after the body of the arrow.

    My arrow instead flight like peace of crap (fully solid object with center of the mass in the center). Dropping on body of the arrow first

    I have broken my head already.

    Do you have any Ideas?

  • HI Guys,

    I'm looking for action -- And then Fire a "Arrow" with physics and a Denser Physic at the Arrow Head ---

    I need to simulate the flight of the arrow.

    When arrow's reaching max height

    1. The edge of the arrow should fall first and only after the body of the arrow.

    My arrow instead flight like peace of crap (fully solid object with center of the mass in the center). Dropping on body of the arrow first

    I have broken my head already.

    Do you have any Ideas?

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Member since 24 Jun, 2015

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