I did not write the events and actions rigth in my other posts in this topic. This time i write them rigth. I have a sprite that is supposed to move to left and rigth and can jump. The sprite is supposed to move to the rigth whit the No Default Controls platform behavior and when it collides whit another sprite move to the left whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then when it collides whit another type of the same sprite it collided whit move to the rigtjh whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then it is supposed to do the same thing over and over again. Here is the events and actions:
Event-Sprite-Variable="rigth"-Action-Simulate Control Pressing Rigth
Event-Sprite-Variable="left"-Action-Simulate Control Pressing Left
Event-Sprite collides whit another sprite
Sub Event-Sprite-Variable="rigth"-Action-Variable-Set Value To "left"
Else-Sprite-Variable-Set Value To "rigth"
The sprite doesn,t move to the left whit the No Defualt Controls platform behavior when it collides whit the another sprite. It only does change movement direction if it jumps. It is supposed to move to the left whit the No Default Controls platform behavior no matter if it jumps or not. How do you make the sprite do this?