You are probably calling the action 'play animation' each tick.
Would you do something like this ...
condition: Key is down
action: play animation "thing" from the beginning.
'Key is down' is not a trigger. It is true as long as that key is down, so it is true a lot of ticks in a row. Each tick it is true, the animation starts to play from the beginning. And you see only frame zero. Just make it a trigger this way.
condition: Key is down
condition: Trigger once while true
action: play animation "thing" from the beginning.
A key is down event means that i need to choose a key to be down. Does that mean that i need to hold that key all the time to make this work or just hold it once to make it work or not hold it at all? I can't find a play animation from beginning option in possible event or actions so i choosed the action start animation instead. And it doesn't work if i hold the key all the time, doesn't hold it or just holds it once. If i did something wrong on the play animation part, what should i put there instead?