Calfuso's Forum Posts

  • Here is my capx: ... .capx?dl=0

    When you open the project you start at the layout and the location where the problem sprites are located. The player sprite is Sprite43. The sprite that is supposed to change direction is the varitions of Sprite70. The sprites that is supposed to make it change direction is the two varitions of Edgemarker4. The events and actions are in Event Sheet 4. To find the events and actions of Sprite 70 search for Sprite 70. When you preview the layout you start where Sprite43 are located. The two varitions of Sprite70 begins to move to the rigth whit the No Default platform behavior and when it collides whit Edgemarker4 moves to left whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then the two varitions of Sprite 70 doesn,t change moevment direction. I want to know how to make the varitions of Sprite 70 move to the rigth whit the No Defualt Controls platform behavior when they collide when they collide whit the Edgemarker4 again and then move to left and rigth over and over again whit the varitions of Edgemarker4. The events and actions of this is at the top of the Sprite70s events and actions.

  • I did not write the events and actions rigth in my other posts in this topic. This time i write them rigth. I have a sprite that is supposed to move to left and rigth and can jump. The sprite is supposed to move to the rigth whit the No Default Controls platform behavior and when it collides whit another sprite move to the left whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then when it collides whit another type of the same sprite it collided whit move to the rigtjh whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then it is supposed to do the same thing over and over again. Here is the events and actions:

    Event-Sprite-Variable="rigth"-Action-Simulate Control Pressing Rigth

    Event-Sprite-Variable="left"-Action-Simulate Control Pressing Left

    Event-Sprite collides whit another sprite

    Sub Event-Sprite-Variable="rigth"-Action-Variable-Set Value To "left"

    Else-Sprite-Variable-Set Value To "rigth"

    The sprite doesn,t move to the left whit the No Defualt Controls platform behavior when it collides whit the another sprite. It only does change movement direction if it jumps. It is supposed to move to the left whit the No Default Controls platform behavior no matter if it jumps or not. How do you make the sprite do this?

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  • In this post i write the events and actions rigth. I have a sprite that is supposed to move left and rigth and can jump. The sprite is supposed to move to the rigth whit the No Default Controls platform behavior and when it collides whit another type of the same sprite it collided whit move to the rigth whit the No Default Controls platform behavior. Then it is supposed to do the same thing over and over again. Here is the events and actions.

    Event-Sprite collides whit another sprite

    Sub Event-Sprite-Variable-"rigth"-Action-Variable-Set Value To "left"

    Else-Variable-Set Value To "rigth"

    The sprite doesn,t move to the left whit the platform behavior when it collides whit the another sprite. It only changes movement direction if it has collided whit a type of the another sprite and jumps. It is supposed to change movement direction no matter if it has jumps or not. What should you do to make it do this?

  • The sprite is supposed to move to the rigth whit the No Default Controls platform behavior and when it collides whit another sprite move to the left whit the No Default Controls behavior. Then when it collides whit the another type of the same sprite it collided whit move to the rigth whit No Default Controls platform behavior. Then it is supposed to do the same thing. Here is the events and actions:

    Event-Variable-"rigth-Action-Simulate Platform Pressing Rigth

    Event-Variable-"left"-Action-Simulate Platform Pressing Left

    Event-Sprite collides whit Sprite-Action-Set Value to "left"

    Else-Set Value to "rigth"

    The sprite doesn,t change movement direction when it is supposed to and only does it if it jumps after it has collided whit a type of the another sprite. What should you do?

  • There is a sprite whit the platform behavior that is supposed to move left and rigth when it collides whit another sprite and can jump. But it only changes movement direction when it jumps when it supposed to do it no matter if it jumps or not when it collides whit the sprites that is supposed to change it,s movement direction. What should you do?

  • I have a Gamepad connected to my computer. When i make a on button pressed event and preview the game, nothing happens when i pressed the button that is supposed to do something. How do you make on button pressed event work?

  • I want a answer. Why does none answer? I have decreased the file size of my project so much i can now since my last post so in case the problem was that the project took up too much memory you should be able to download it and test it now. Even if you still think the project take up too much memory, please still download it and test it. I want this problem to be solve please.

  • It could be any one of issues. Best bet is to upload a capx so we can test it. You may get quicker and better help this way.

    Here is a link to my capx. ... .capx?dl=0

    First try making Layout 88s game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. Then you should go to either Layout 63, Layout 56, Layout 30, Layout 7, Layout 23, Layout or Layout 53 and make the game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. You should be able to make the game preview loader finish loading and preview the game and after that make the game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. You only need to make the the game prewiew loader be green most of the time for one of the layouts. If it works for one of those Layouts it should work for the rest too.

  • Delete this topic

    Here is a link to my capx. ... .capx?dl=0

    First try making Layout 88s game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. Then you should go to either Layout 63, Layout 56, Layout 30, Layout 7, Layout 23, Layout or Layout 53 and make the game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. You should be able to make the game preview loader finish loading and preview the game and after that make the game preview loader be green most of the time and not red. You only need to make the the game prewiew loader be green most of the time for one of the layouts. If it works for one of those Layouts it should work for the rest too.

  • My games preview loader is red most of the time when i preview the game. If the game preview loader is red,the game does not get previewed. It is when it is green the game can get previewed. The game preview loader turns green a few times but i have to keep preview the game so many times just for it to happen and i would want to not have to do that. I want the game preview loader to be green most of the time or all the time.

  • I want a answer.

  • I don,t ask just about a Wii U Pro Controller, i ask about all gamepads. Does anything know how you connect a gamepad to your computer. I have it attached to my computer and it still isn,t connected. If the gamepad is connected, when you make a on button pressed event what number should you write in the Gamepad section. Is there anything else you need to do to make the gamepad work whit Construct 2 even when it is connected?

  • I have a Wii U Pro Controller attached to the computer. If i make a Gamepad on button pressed event and preview the game, nothing happens when i press the button that is supposed to do something. So the controller is either not connected or i am doing something wrong whit the event. On the Gamepad Section, what number are you supposed to put in after 0? How do you make a on button pressed event successfully whit a Wii U Pro Controller.

  • I love Construct 2 alot and enjoy it to maxinium. But i think some things could be improved to make it better. Construct 2 should be able to allow sprites to have a faster animation speed then 60 frames per second. Whit just 60 frames per second you can't make good looking fast animations. Construct 2 should also have the option to delete sprites directly from the object bar instead of just from the project bar. You should also be able to select multiple sprites at once and delete multiple sprites at once, both from the object bar and project bar. So if something could be improved in Construct 2, i would want these things to be some of the things. I don't see any reason for anyone to reply to this other then saying they they read it and that those things can be kept in mind when improving Construct 2.

  • I setted it up better and now it works. So no mor help is needed and everything is good.