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  • Wait, IS it a bug? I hate closing out event sheets or ever accidentally resizing the window because all the adjustments I made suddenly get trashed, and then I have to move everything around again... I thought everyone had to deal with that lol

  • Some kind of visual feedback when the enemy ships are taking damage could definitely go a long way for this

    Just a simple flashing effect or similar would suffice

  • If you want a scrolling effect that appears to have parallax on different layers, do it the second way without the wrap behavior, but don't actually add parallax to those layers; just have them scroll at different speeds but all still be on (100, 100) parallax

    So like while right arrow is down, have back01 move forward at 10 pixels/second, and have back02 move forward at only 5 pixels/second

    Also, the manual entry about delta time and framerate independence definitely comes into play here, so I'd look into that as well

  • The link doesn't seem to work :(

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  • Oooohhhh impressive functionality! One thing I will say though is that if you're making a Tetris clone, one big thing to always be weary of is how the 7 piece randomization works. They use what people describe as a "bag" system where you get one that contains each of the 7 pieces, you get those 7 pieces in a random order, and then move on to another bag that again contains the 7 pieces in a random order. This ensures that even though you're getting the pieces in a random order, you'll still be getting an even amount of each particular piece. Just something to keep in mind :)

  • Definitely change the font color from black to something brighter like white or similar; right now it's kinda hard to read since it's on such a dark background

    The visual feedback from hitting enemies is done pretty well, but the audio side still needs some tuning I think; maybe just make the sound effects a little louder so it's more satisfying and you really feel your character putting damage into all the stuff that's flying towards you on-screen

    And when the tanks flash from taking damage, the whole thing should probably flash, not just the base, right? It makes sense for the boss that just the guns flash so you know which part you're hitting, but for just the normal tanks it'd probably look better if the whole entity flashed white and not just the base

    Really nice use of effects though on the bullets/power-ups, though ; there's a surprising amount of polish in that regard

  • Make sure that the player hitboxes match the size of the character that you're seeing on screen

    The hitbox for player 1 in particular here appears to be taller than the actual sprite--which can be felt when you jump into a ceiling and you feel yourself crash into it before your player appears to actually collide with it

    Otherwise shots might look like they're missing but actually hit and people will get mad lol

    I'd also try to play around with the layout of the platforms on the map a little more, and consider using both solid platforms and jump-thru platforms; right now it's kind of like wrestling through a maze of solid objects rather than dancing around cover from your opponent

    Oh and use tiled backgrounds or similar for the textures on the platforms; right now you can see that it's just one sprite that's been stretched and squashed a bunch of different ways. Tiling a texture instead of distorting a sprite will help it to look a lot nicer I think

  • In case anyone needed something for their loading screen, I drew this up in Illustrator

    Just some characters from Mabby presenting the Construct 2 Logo :D

  • Hey what's up 8)

  • Would really like some feedback if you guys are interested

    It's on the arcade here: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/adventure-games/mabi-6557

  • I mean... I'm only 19, so I'm still in college and living with my parents. Trying to make money off of this isn't an issue for me, at least for the time being because of where I am in life. I honestly want nothing more than to make great games that people will talk about and enjoy playing; it's never been about the money for me. Money would be nice obviously, but that's never been my primary goal.

    But reading through these posts, man...

    This is kind of depressing... Is this what it's like?

    Still, though; I wish you all the best of luck! c:

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Member since 19 Jun, 2015

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