Hi guys! I was looking for a multiplayer Tetris to play with my friends, but coudn't find a good one with support to 4 or more players, so... I made one! And I'm really proud of the result. c:
Tetris - Brow Battle Block is a free to play Tetris clone focused in the multiplayer aspect. It has support for up to 8 players (local)
Intro screen
Game modes
The game has two modes: Classic and Battle mode.
In the classic mode you play like the good and old tetris, just complete your line blocks as fast as you can while sending "trash" lines to your oponents.
Classic mode
In the new battle mode you acumulate mana by completing lines to use power ups to sabotage your oponents! There's a total of 5 diferents power ups you can use, and each one has its own mana cost and peculiarity.
Battle mode
The game has support to keyboard and up to 8 gamepads.
Also, it ***** when you can't reasign the controls and end up stucked with the controls gives to you... Players don't deserve this... With that in mind, I made ALL the controls in-game reconfigurable! You can reasign all the keyboard and gamepad buttons in the Control Settings menu!
Control settings menu
Oh, wait... You're on your phone? Don't worry! The game is also playable on mobile devices!
Mobile Controls
Play the game!
Of course you can play it in the scirra arcade by clicking here!
That's about it. Would love if you guys tried the game in the Arcade, and would really apreciate some feedbacks.
Thanks for playing!