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  • Hi everyone, I'm right now moving a game from C2 to CC too, and I just wanted to know how could I emulate "local variables" on CC? should I create different private variables that everytick reset back to zero or something like that?... I don't know... can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I'm using Chrome 22.0.1229.94m, Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1, and here are the specs: dl.dropbox.com/u/41571201/specs.PNG

    I'm also not using third party plug-ins for C2 on this project.

    I don't use the normal controls for moving the player, I use K to jump and the arrows to move, and to fall down a jump thru you have to press both down and K.

    Problem is that this only works as long as the player is INSIDE or BELOW another object with jump thru behavior, I have this "stairs" that are essentially a large pile of blocks with Jump Thru behavior one over the other, and you can step on each one and fall of each one no problem, as long as it's not the top one

    If you're standing on the top block, you wont be able to fall through it... any ideas as to why this is happening?

    (This worked just fine before r109-111)

    Here's an example of my problem:


    Thanks in advance.

  • Mmmh... it does sound similar, I didn't want to fill a bug report until I was sure that it was indeed a bug and not me doing something dumb... all right, I'll fill a report then, thanks a bunch man :)!

  • Am I really the only one having this problem? :(

    Come on guys! please! T___T someone help me! is this a bug? is it my fault? Why did it work before and now it just doesn't?

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  • Hi there everyone.

    I found a little problem with the "jump thru" behavior of the platforms in my game.

    I don't use the normal controls for moving the player, I use K to jump and the arrows to move, and to fall down a jump thru you have to press both down and K.

    Problem is that this only works as long as the player IS INSIDE or BELOW another object with jump thru, I have this "stairs" that are essentialy a large pile of blocks with Jump Thru behavior one over the other, and you can step on each one and fall of each one no problem, as long as it's not the top one

    If you're standing on the top block, you wont be able to fall thru it... any ideas as to why this is happening?

    (This worked just fine before r109-111)

    Here's an example of my problem:


  • Maybe the problems are similar, but mine happens on a PC browser, I'm not working with mobiles yet, still it seems very weird to me because it's not the first time I do this and with the first game I made this never happened... :S

  • "Point" sampling was the key here... it looks all right now, thanks a bunch for the tip, Ashley! :D

  • You know what?... now that I think about it, I don't think that's the problem, because some of mi sprites are indeed sized by the power of two and there are still empty lines between them... :S

  • The thing that bugs me is that it looks just fine when I test it "offline", but when I export it then the black lines appear...

    Also I am using "Pixel rounding" :S...

    Do you think the problem could be related to the whole "power of two sized images" thing? right now my sprites are 48x48... should I rezise them? -__-

  • Minify? If you mean "did I use compression for the images", yeah, I used the one C2 offers as a default, but I checked the images and they are just fine, there are no dirty borders or anything.

  • Hi there everyone, I'm having a weird problem with C2, can anyone tell me how to solve it? Look at this:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/41571201/compare.jpg" border="0" />

    The one on the left is a screenshot from the exported game, and the one on the right is from C2 "test" mode (you know, pressing F4)

    :S why does the tree looks like that when I export it? I made a game before and I used the same method to do stuff, I made tiles and they fit perfectly, there were no black borders or anything, so why do they look like that now?

    Hope someone can give me a solution, thanks in advance.

  • THANKS for this posts! Works great!

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