First of all: Thanks man! for listening to my cries for help...
Second of all: I'm having a really hard time trying to understand what you did there... specially the "block.Width / 2 - BeaconBoost.Width / 2" part...
It's great that the sprites only appear once now! :D but they also appear on the wrong places sometimes, for example, while shooting straight to the wall on the left, they appear right most of the time, but occasionally they point up too, I'm trying to get what you did to be able to tweak this and maybe fix it, but even if I can't, this works way better than what I did before, so: Thank you! I could hug you, man ToT
And before I go, just in case you read this:
I think the "block.Width / 2 - BeaconBoost.Width / 2" part is a way of saying "when it just touches the block and goes a bit into it", is that it? I also need the reaction to happen out of the blocks, so I'll have to change that... hope I don't break it T__T