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  • ramones: You, sir... ROCK!

    Thanks a bunch to both of you, guys! I owe you both T-T

  • First of all: Thanks man! for listening to my cries for help...

    Second of all: I'm having a really hard time trying to understand what you did there... specially the "block.Width / 2 - BeaconBoost.Width / 2" part...

    It's great that the sprites only appear once now! :D but they also appear on the wrong places sometimes, for example, while shooting straight to the wall on the left, they appear right most of the time, but occasionally they point up too, I'm trying to get what you did to be able to tweak this and maybe fix it, but even if I can't, this works way better than what I did before, so: Thank you! I could hug you, man ToT

    And before I go, just in case you read this:

    I think the "block.Width / 2 - BeaconBoost.Width / 2" part is a way of saying "when it just touches the block and goes a bit into it", is that it? I also need the reaction to happen out of the blocks, so I'll have to change that... hope I don't break it T__T

  • 98 Views and no replies? T___T so there is really no solution?...

  • I'm no expert, but you could start experimenting with a new object whose position would be "Mouse.X, Mouse.Y" at every tick, and then giving that new object the "scroll to" behavior. That way it will always be at the center of the screen, at least... I dunno if you could tweak the speed at which it moves and so on, but maybe is a good starting point. Hope it helps :S

  • Hi there, first of all, shouldn't you be using "enemygen=1,2,3" instead of "0,1,2"? maybe I'm wrong, if it works as it is, then it's all right, I'm kind of a n00b here :P

    My approach would be to have a number variable with kind of a "cooldown" effect instead of the "trigger once" condition, for example, I would set a "cooldown" variable to... I dunno... 500, and have an new event with "every tick" substracting 1 from that variable. Then have:

    system    enemygen=1

    system    compare variable: "if cooldown = 0"

    That's one idea... maybe it'll come in handy. Hope it helps :P


    Another idea, you could put a "wait 3 seconds" after every enemy spawning :) I think that could work too... you could give it a try.

  • This was kinda hard to explain in the title, but here is my problem:

    In my game I want to shoot some stuff at walls and I want a reaction, I need that reaction to spawn at a specific direction, but when shooting down to a corner I have 2 conditions being true at the same time, so I get 2 reactions, any ideas on how to prevent that? here is the .capx:


    I've already tried with collisions but it didn't do the trick, another problem with this is that sometimes the bullet goes way inside the block and it triggers the reaction inside it too, maybe this does not happen in this little demo, but it does happen in the game -___- any ideas, guys?

    Thanks in advance for the help :)

  • In my opinion the two most important things about the platform behavior are the sustained jump and the jump through. I really hope those two appear soon on C2, I miss them a lot -__-

  • Hi there everyone!

    I'm Terrato, I have the soul of a 15 year old and I LOVE videogames (yeah, I'm not addicted, I'm in love).

    My favorite console is my NES, I still pull all nighters with it sometimes :P it's perfect... and I still gotta try to beat Battlekid...

    I'm making my first serious game, at long last! I gathered two friends who share my interest and we're doing our best to produce a great and fun game, I hope to have a demo out soon to get some feedback from all of you.

    All right, that's it, I guess...

    Check out my stuff at lordterrato.deviantart.com :D

    May the Force be with you all.

  • I can't say when it started, but after reseting the dialogs my "z" works fine again :D, and I knew it was not my keyboard 'cause of two reasons:

    1. I'm on my new laptop, it's been on use barely for six months, it couldn't be broken, I take real good care of her and of all my stuff.

    2. "Z" and "z" worked fine on the rest of my software, so the problem was with Construct, and it only happened with "z", "Z" worked just fine.

    Anyway, it's fine now, if only I knew what caused it... I'm sorry I can't be of help... but at least you know it happens... and by the way, it wasn't the capx, I tried with different projects and the problem persisted.

    Thanks for all the help! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Well... that's pretty much it, I just can't use "z" in my comments. I can use "Z" but when I try to write the letter "z" it just ignores me. I've tried opening a new project and the problem is still there.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

  • Hi there everyone, I'm sorry if this is a n00b question or if it has been answered before, I swear I've been looking and found nothing, here's the question:

    Is there a way to import multiple images in Construct classic and keep the transparency? when I use the "import frames" all my transparent images become white and I have to import them one by one...

    Hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance.

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Member since 8 Jul, 2011

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