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  • Well :P my project, as of now, has 955 events and an approx. size of 25.6mb... XD but still, it only takes that long when it backs up automatically.

    EDIT: Oh, and btw, it would be great if you wanted to check it out and gave us some feedback :P


    Thanks in advance if you do :D

  • Yup, exactly, that would be just great :D

  • I have it enabled, but I find it very annoying, I had it configured to backup every day, now it's every two days, but when it backs up my stuff it takes forever (almost 5 minutes at least, I think it actually takes more...) and there is no way to cancel it, backing up manually I take less than a minute to save a .capx :S, why is that, by the way?. Also there should be a way to cancel the back up process in case you're in a hurry or something, it would definitely come in handy.

  • Sometimes when I'm done working I save backups, I used to do this everyday, I work on my .caproj and at the end of the day I save a .capx just in case.

    But sometimes I only save my .capx and forget to save the .caproj, so the next day I open the .caproj and start working on it unaware that I'm modifying a version of my project that is not up-to-date.

    It would be nice that C2 saved the .capx as independent files and that it let you keep working on your .caproj, because what it does is that once you save your project as .capx, from that point on you're no longer working on the .caproj, but on the .capx, so any new updates will be recorded on the .capx and to go back to working on the .caproj you have to close the current work and open the .caproj again.

    I just find that a bit annoying, I hope I'm not the only one :S maybe I'm missing something.

  • Hello everyone.

    Here you can play the beta of our game, this is only a two level run which purpose is only to test the gameplay mechanincs, there's no story involved in this build, we're only testing the core gameplay and stuff.

    By the way: The game is NOT about an orc that kills little samurai dudes :P that's just the loading screen. It may take a while to load, so please be patient :)

    You can play the game with QWERTY keyboard here: Kibexia QWERTY

    or you can give it a go with an AZERTY keyboard here: Kibexia AZERTY

    Just keep in mind that the "controls" window will always show the QWERTY controls :) and also that the AZERTY version is not as up-to-date as the QWERTY one since our public is mainly the QWERTY users :P

    Being a Beta Version we are still missing a lot of sound effects, but there should be music and some shooting sounds. We also recommend you to try it on Google Chrome.

    We would be very grateful for any feedback sent to us, please send it to the email that's shown in the game. Please let us know what you think about it :)

    Thanks for your time and support.

  • All right! thanks, man! I'll check it out right away!

  • .__. all right, thanks for the answer but... XD the link brings me back here... you're just teasing me ;__;

  • Sorry, maybe I explained myself incorrectly. Events don't "skip" as in "they didn't happen", they just take longer to happen, eventually the player will descend, it will just take a long time to do so, and in that time you can jump over big obstacles that you were intended to tackle in a different manner. This is a problem with the platform behavior and the "key is down" condition, as far as I can tell... can this still be resolved with the methods mentioned above? :S

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  • Well, this is not a bug so I came to comment it here.

    My game is coming along pretty good so far, I'm learning a lot of stuff and having tons of fun while I'm at it but I've noticed that even though most of the time it works great, when I'm doing lots of things (shooting a lot, playing music and having lots of movement at once on the layout, etc) the game kinda skips events like "set gravity to 3878789 when this happens on the air" and then my character can almost fly instead of just jumping...

    Is there a way to prevent this kinda thing from happening? Or the way would be to ask the gamers to not do anything else while playing and to buy new super computers? :(

    I don't want people with slow computers to be able to cheat through the whole game... -___-

    Thanks in advance to whoever gives some advice :P


  • Maybe the reason is that it's not finished loading all it's stuff... I'm not sure, it's just an idea.

  • Yup, I know I can buy it there :D and I'm considering it, 'cause "luck" is the one thing I just don't have in this life... T___T (Among others like... Batman: Arkham City, Skyrim, a set of dice that don't roll only 1's and... well, you know... a girlfriend T.T)

  • The trailer was awesome. Too bad it'll never arrive to theaters in the country where I live -___-

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Member since 8 Jul, 2011

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