A lista de 6 influenciadores mentais para cérebros humanos, montados no intuito de dar prazer e incentivar pessoas a tomar atitudes e mover-se quanto a tarefas...
Muitas habilidades podem ser úteis para designer de jogos, algumas que nem podemos conceber ainda, posso citar o exemplo do estudo com tipografia que Jobs fez e...
Pronto, agora que você leu Daemon Pessoal, ah! Não leu esse post? Aconselho que leia antes de pular direto para a parte mais fácil, que é, ir direto ao ponto do...
Kjo është një listë me 6 gjëra vullnetdhenëse për trurin e njeriut, të cilat janë krijuar me qellim që t'i japin shtytje dhe vullnet njeriut për të kryer punët...
Opouštíme realitu v nejvhodnější okamžik: Pár minut ve frontě v bance, o něco déle uprostřed nudné práce, několik hodin během pozdního večera a dalších mnoho ho...
The reasoning that I will present now serves several areas of creation, but here we focus specifically on games and how different ages affect this age-old activ...
We abandon reality at opportune moments: A few minutes in line at the bank, several more in the middle of that boring job, a few hours late in the evening to re...
Right, we passed by many thoughts, and we even structured some interesting ideas, now we have to separate the best ideas, and how do we separate a good idea fro...
Jinni = daemôn = daimon = daemon = genie = génio = djinni = génie. The term “daemon” is translated from latin as personal genie, used by Socrates, which despite...
Okay, now that you have read the Personal Daemon, ah! Haven't you read that post yet? I suggest you to read it before jumping right to the easier part, which is...
Many abilities can be useful for a game designer, some of which we can’t even imagine. One example is the study about typography that Jobs has done and ended up...
This is a list of 6 mental motivators for human brains, created with the objective of pleasuring and motivating people to take action and to work on life-relate...
Member since 29 Jun, 2011