bigcatrik's Recent Forum Activity

  • Those are neat.

  • I think 3D in Construct is mostly to add "flavor" to 2D games.

    I had a great deal of fun putting together my retro-3D game "Vault of Peril" but it is, essentially, a glorified 2D game looking from a different angle. And there's not much future in that other than as a curio since people have played better for decades. As simply a game-making hobbyist I can't go any further than the trial allows (a fun, game-like challenge in and of itself), but even having unlimited Construct resources would not get me, personally, much further with my ability level. And someone with professional skills wanting to build even a decidedly retro-looking 3D game would most likely choose another engine.

    But, as mentioned, it was a whole lot of fun and as a non-programmer I don't know how I could have done it without the event system (and I still lurk here).

  • I only use one since I use the free version and including another event sheet takes up one of the 50 precious events (groups and functions also take up an event each, but variables and comments are free).

  • Check in the "version history" section. It's at the bottom of the left sidebar. I delete the old version when I upload something new. You could also, or instead of deleting anything, make sure that "Allow Previous Versions" is unchecked in the Settings section (fourth from the top in the sidebar, and all the way at the bottom of that section), though if you have only one version available that should be irrelevant.

  • To me they look like search results presented conversationally.

    With search engines there was a learning curve of what to, and what not to, ask them. And what type of answers to expect.

    So I assume it will be very similar with whatever comes next.

    If the bot had the ability to open up C3 (it's on the web, after all) and try out its solution and then present it that way -- well that really *would* be something.

  • they're for some reason able to... partially move through walls...

    From what I remember with my FPS the cell size and cell border on the pathfinding plugin are *extremely* critical to get things moving through the level without intersecting walls. I have 3D objects moving that have a size of 30 x 60 but the cell size is 50 and the cell border is -20. The default for pathfinding is 30 and -1 (and there may still be an errant enemy elbow that penetrates a wall now and then). The levels are based on 120 x 120 blocks.

  • It might be the issue where the 3D object you want to use multiple times needs to be made a container with the sprite inside. In the properties for the 3D object click "create" under container and add the sprite to it. Then every new spawned 3D object of that type has a separate copy of the sprite that will be addressed individually when that object is being manipulated. Then it just works.

    If you've already done that, then I don't know.

  • The first one says he made his own engine and the second one uses a plugin called Quazi3D (not on the Asset Store). Nothing in stock C3D does it. I don't program so using any of the JavaScript programming features (which is probably where you'd have to go) is beyond me.

  • I wouldn't be so sure, C3 is a 2D engine in the end.

    Yeah, it needs to be approached as more of a trompe l'oeil effect than actual ray cast or ray traced lighting effect.

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  • The 3D Castle Maze has code for distance-based lighting/dimming of the level in its Setup section.

    Open 3D Castle Maze in Construct editor:

    I adapted that for my 3D FPS, adjusting the numbers for my game's scale. In my game it affects the walls, but not the ground or ceiling (the 3D Castle Maze has no ceiling or floor, interestingly enough), nor the enemies or misc items, though I think it makes them stand out better from a distance against the dark environment. You could certainly add similar code to whatever items you wanted affected by distance (don't ask me about the floor or ceiling though).

  • The pathfinding map is only generated when you set pathfinding enabled. Is there a change to the environment during gameplay that would require a new pathfinding map to be generated? I have destructible items in my environment so I regenerate the pathfinding map every second. You're technically not supposed to do that, but I haven't noticed a performance hit.

  • I was able to make the camera bob by adding a sine to the z-elevation of the object that's used for 3D camera movement and turning it on and off (by variables) in the movement controls. I piggybacked it on other events I already had since I'm under the constraints of the free version so I'm sure others could make a more elegant solution.

    (But hat-tip to the original poster since it didn't occur to me to try it until I read this.)

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