chatgpt knows all about construct 3

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hello all.

    I asked the openAI this question:

    How do I stretch a sprite between two other sprites in construct 3?

    it said:

    To stretch a sprite between two other sprites in Construct 3, you can use the "Pin" behavior. The "Pin" behavior allows you to anchor a sprite to another sprite or point, and stretch it as needed.

    Here's an example of how you can use the "Pin" behavior to stretch a sprite between two other sprites:

    In the layout editor, create three sprites: a "start" sprite, an "end" sprite, and a "stretch" sprite. The "start" and "end" sprites will be used to define the start and end points for the stretch, and the "stretch" sprite will be the sprite that stretches between them.

    Select the "stretch" sprite, and then click the "Behaviors" tab in the Properties panel.

    Click the "+" button to add a new behavior, and then select the "Pin" behavior from the list.

    In the "Pin" behavior, set the "Pinned Object" field to the "start" sprite. This will anchor the "stretch" sprite to the "start" sprite.

    Set the "Pin X" and "Pin Y" fields to the appropriate values to define the position of the "stretch" sprite relative to the "start" sprite. For example, you could set "Pin X" to 0 and "Pin Y" to 0 to anchor the top-left corner of the "stretch" sprite to the top-left corner of the "start" sprite.

    Set the "Pin Angle" field to the angle that you want the "stretch" sprite to be rotated relative to the "start" sprite.

    Set the "Pin Scale" field to the scale that you want the "stretch" sprite to be stretched or scaled by.

    In the "Pin" behavior, set the "Pin Length" field to the distance between the "start" and "end" sprites. This will stretch the "stretch" sprite to the desired length.

    Finally, set the "Pin Object 2" field to the "end" sprite. This will anchor the other end of the "stretch" sprite to the "end" sprite.

    That's it! Now, when you run your game, the "stretch" sprite will be stretched between the "start" and "end" sprites, anchored at both ends and stretched or scaled as needed. You can adjust the position, angle, and scale of the "stretch" sprite using the "Pin" behavior's properties.

    END open AI

    So I tried this question:

    write a function with UID of a sprite as a parameters to move a sprite left 30 pixels (unless this movement would create a sprite overlap with any other sprite) in construct 3

    it replied with:

    function moveLeft(spriteUID) {

    // Get the sprite using its UID

    var sprite = GetSprite(spriteUID);

    // Check if there is a sprite overlap

    if (IsOverlapping(sprite)) {

    // If there is a sprite overlap, do not move the sprite



    // Move the sprite left 30 pixels

    sprite.x -= 30;


  • Yeah, it's mostly nonsense, but very convincing :)

    This bot needs to learn how to say "I don't know".

  • It's a good example of the limitations of AI: it looks like a comprehensive and detailed answer, but it refers to features that don't exist, the Pin behavior is largely superseded by scene graph, and using the Pin behavior is the wrong solution anyway. I'd give the answer as "use a left-aligned origin on the stretched sprite, set the position to the first sprite, set the angle to the angle to the second sprite, and set the width to the distance to the second sprite".

    The JavaScript code it generated is also wrong, refering to APIs that don't exist or are named wrong.

  • we are judging this AI as experts (Well two of you are experts anyway). Look at what the AI figured out:

    construct 3 is a programming language and not a machine like a crane

    A sprite has a location

    stretch between means to start at one place and end at another

    you have to get the sprite from the UID to get the x coord


    It did a pretty good job, just not good enough for someone who knows construct 3.



  • It knows about C3 from the internet, obviously. And it does a good job trying to derive a plausible answer from the data it got. Unfortunately, the answer is totally wrong and a big part of it is simply made up.

    It should at least add a disclaimer that the provided solution may be incorrect. Or just admit that there isn't enough data to answer the question.

  • The question is if it can even do pseudocode because that's what is at the heart of C3, and the answer is ehh, no but it can fake it.

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  • To me they look like search results presented conversationally.

    With search engines there was a learning curve of what to, and what not to, ask them. And what type of answers to expect.

    So I assume it will be very similar with whatever comes next.

    If the bot had the ability to open up C3 (it's on the web, after all) and try out its solution and then present it that way -- well that really *would* be something.

  • If the bot had the ability to open up C3

    Unfortunately it is not able to. And it is far away from this capability. The openly available AI's are just very smart auto-completions like these which we use while typing on smartphones. But just a lot better. ChatGPT also has no connection to the internet. It was fed with a lot of data from it, but it is outdated from 2021.

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