bigcatrik's Recent Forum Activity

  • It's alive! It looks like full access to Construct 3 has been granted. I fired it up on my Chromebook and have a "Gamejam license."

    And with cloud saving, delays are tiring (CTRL+S addict),

    I use the option "save to local browser" and saves are very fast. I'll eventually save to a local drive and save to Google drive for good measure.

  • I wasn't a kid for the N64, but here are my five favorite Atari 2600 games from when I was bigger than a kid, but still young:

    5. Backgammon

    4. Super Breakout

    3. Starmaster

    2. Space Invaders

    1. Megamania

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Speaking of jam, I've not read anything about it since C3 launch week.

    No news? No new blog posts?

    There's a new blog post. It was announced by email but I haven't seen a forum post about it yet:

    Good Things Come in Threes - Gamejam!

  • I've been reading through the Construct 2 manual while only using Construct 3 (on a Chromebook) and haven't found anything too different.

    The C2 Monster Shooter tutorial is still a good place to start. Towards the end they add a third layer which is impossible in the demo of either C2 or C3, but you can either skip that or work around it as an "exercise for the reader."

  • During the final week of beta there will be a game jam during which all the features will be available -- May 15 to 21. Until then it's demo mode only. ... newgrounds

  • "No videos were found."

  • No. The "Remote preview" feature (right-click the name of the project in the Project panel) is "not available in the free version" which is the only Construct 3 available now.

  • It runs fine now, but I've been running R16 on my Chromebook for days and the first time R17 tried to load I got a "WebGL not supported" warning. But then I clicked "Reload" and it loaded. And it's been fine since.

    (Fun fact: This is my first forum post since October 8, 2011.)

  • If you're under windows 7, C2 can provide you conversion of your audio files in those two formats on import of the files in your project.

    In a different OS, you need to make the conversion to .aac by yourself (.ogg is dealt with whatever the system apparently).

    So iTunes can make aac/m4a files, which I then uploaded to the game's media folder. The question is: do I need to rebuild the game itself or will the existing game pick up the new files if it's on Safari 5 or IE9 (neither of which I have)? Can anyone confirm?



  • Nice graphics, nice layering.

    The cheat option has disapeared <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> this is even harder.

    Good job though. This looks a lot like a professional game. All hails C2.

    Thanks. I've been following C2 since v37 and when this game caught my eye I thought it was the perfect time to jump in.

    To Do List (when I get more time...):

    Audio compatibility across browsers. I followed the HTML5 audio compatibility controversy but am still unsure how C2 resolved it (if it has been resolved). I used WAV files and only got OGG files out and didn't have time to look into it further.

    Different backgrounds for different levels (getting darker/nightfull as the levels get faster, perhaps). I used one image for the background so would probably want to look into file size, etc. The lighting would need to change on the structures and the ground too. A little programming would be necessary too (should be simple though).

    Background music.



  • I had some time yesterday so I made new 3D graphics in Blender and sounds (including a chip-tune fanfare) in FL-Studio and renamed the game "Mars Bomber" (ogg audio files only at this point, and I disabled the debug and cheat keys).


  • Piq is a pixel art drawing program that runs in your browser.

    But I make game graphics with Blender.

    I just made some graphics for TonyCrew's Bomber game in Blender:



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