Bomber Type Game Test

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Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • A bit of a copy from an old Vic 20 Game Blitz which i played along long time ago.

    It could probably be done better in the events than i have done, but i'm learning.

    I've left all the variables on screen for debug so i can see whats happening and so can you. I do this type of on screen variable display everytime i've created something as it lets you know if something is working or not.

    Anyway hopefully somone may take this and expand on it and bring it into this century....

    Play here

    CapX file

  • Hehehe funny and time-consuming.

    It remind me also of old times (it was on TO8, not amstrad though <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    Even 20+ years later, the game mechanics still work.

    I don't know if it is on purpose, but during the first level, the fact of starting back from the left of the screen gave one bomb (even if there was a bomb already dropping atm).

    From the start of level 2 this principle disappears (making it harder).

  • Hehehe funny and time-consuming.

    It remind me also of old times (it was on TO8, not amstrad though <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    Even 20+ years later, the game mechanics still work.

    Yeh it's funny how some of the old simple stuff can play really well, mind you i am a bit of a retro games freak.

    I don't know if it is on purpose, but during the first level, the fact of starting back from the left of the screen gave one bomb (even if there was a bomb already dropping atm).

    From the start of level 2 this principle disappears (making it harder).

    ha it's probably a bug.. i never noticed this..

  • Updated it not much really, just added Level and added "You Cheated" txt for when you find the cheat.


  • nice retro game...vic20 was one of my first computers...i liked "D" to kill yourself a lot :)

  • nice retro game...vic20 was one of my first computers...i liked "D" to kill yourself a lot :)

    Haha my bad i've ammended it now... it was K to kill yourself.. ooppps

    Just looking at adding some physics... For Wind....

  • when I left-click or press space-bar then game freeze's.

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  • when I left-click or press space-bar then game freeze's.

    Sorry probably because i was uploading new files.... try it now

  • It works fine now. But whenever I Left-Click it say's "You Cheated".

  • Lol its all ok here.. the cheat is on right click and it sets bomb back to 1 so you can rebomb with waiting for it to be destroyed.

    But it also takes 10 points from you and displays "You Cheated"

  • I had some time yesterday so I made new 3D graphics in Blender and sounds (including a chip-tune fanfare) in FL-Studio and renamed the game "Mars Bomber" (ogg audio files only at this point, and I disabled the debug and cheat keys).


  • Cool the graphics look better than mine. I'm not very good at anything like that.

  • Nice graphics, nice layering.

    The cheat option has disapeared <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> this is even harder.

    Good job though. This looks a lot like a professional game. All hails C2.

  • indeed...

  • The sad truth is, that I would have never been even thinking of doing a game like that ... the happy truth is, that this game opened my mind for new games and ideas ;)

    Best regards

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