Link to .capx file (required!):
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create two sprites ("buttons") looking exactly the same with two
similar animation frames each
2. add the sprites to a family
3. Create an event that makes one sprite in the family change to
animationframe 1 (instead of 0) when the mouse is over the sprite, and one for the exact opposite (when the mouse is not over the sprite, the animation goes back to frame 0)
Observed result:
Both sprites flicker to animationframe 1 upon the mouse hoovering over one of the sprites (only the first time it occurs in the session)
Expected result:
Only the sprite that the mouse is over should change animationframe
Browsers affected:
Chrome: yes
Firefox: yes/no
Internet Explorer: yes/no
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 8 64 bit
Construct 2 version:
Construct 2 r119