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igortyhon Can you tell me if you know of any AI that generates images without copyright? I will still modify it.
Aahh I see, thanks Squibble paxclara Ashley For the help
Thank you so much for the help again, you are a star at understanding this
Thanks for your help friend, it's because the images I'm going to use are just for illustration, for example, an image of a fireball, the image will be used just to illustrate, but the animation will be mine, So there's no problem right?
tarek2/Somebody Can you help me with this?
How can I make the green sprite (using the bullet behavior) walk randomly only within the gray grid area?
Here is the video demonstrating it better
tarek2It's still a little confusing, I'll try, this is very difficult, I'm trying everything, but it's difficult to do this by creating 8 objects and adjusting them to the grid 🙁
tarek2 The blue balls are separated, so I'm having trouble creating them, I would like you to create 9 objects and adjust the grid
tarek2 Sorry if it's a little confusing,My English is not very good, but here's an example of how I want it to work based on the example in the video I made.
How can I make it stop when I touch the grid, (which is tiled background) Will it be positioned correctly instead of off-screen?
-on touch grid
System create at (round(touch.x touch .Y) -48
round(touch.x touch .Y) +48
Wrong Way
Right way
Where the arrow is pointing to would be where I touched
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tarek2Can you help me with this? It's similar to the positioning you teach me
I was using this format
Member since 1 Oct, 2024