DNova1202's Recent Forum Activity

  • Okay, so I'm officially on a mission. Inspired in part by this fangame project called Megaman X: Corrupted, check you tube for it, it looks awesome. Also inspired by my long time love of the original Megaman X game for the SNES.

    It was the first game that I actually beat... and well... as many veterans of the series know, once you've memorized all there is to memorize in the game, it's difficulty goes down the tube. But despite that, the game's had a soft spot in my heart for a very long time. And I've always wanted to create a game with MMX's falvor and unique atmosphere, along with its tight controls and great music... and completely restructure its level design into a different sort of monster.

    Now. Some of you might be familiar with Megaman 9, the 8bit XBox Live Arcade/PSN and Wii Ware title that got released some time ago. The game has amazing level design and is LOADS of fun to play.

    My idea, is to use this as some form of reference in creating Megaman X: Hero Mode as well as other games, such as Megaman Zero (1-4) and some aspects from Metroid. (Named after the hard mode downloadable content available for MM9 of the same name).

    Now. I was going to wait until I had a functioning engine to work in to announce this... but the thing is... I don't think this should be a two or one man operation. I think everyone that has enjoyed this game in the past, even if it was just a little bit, should have a chance to help out with it.

    So I'm looking for team members, programmers, animators, music enginears, etc, that can help with any of the tasks that will come up while working on this project.

    Now, I realize that fan games are run of the mill these days, but I'm serious about this project. It could be something really special if it's done right. But it's still in the ideation stage, so all sorts of feedback is recommended.

    For now, I will leave with you with what I have for the design document.



    MMX- HM will be a reworking of both the first Megaman X's story and level design. In hopes to both add

    branching pathways to certain levels and give veteran players something different to navigate through

    to test their MMX skills. The idea is to build the levels so that players will have to rely not only on their

    X-Buster but specials weapons as well to get them through without dying. Estimated playtime will be

    hours on end.

    Also, the length of each level will be considerably longer. And one will not be able to exit the Sigma stages in the end without having to start the final stage castle all over again, like the classic series.

    We will be looking to Megaman 9 and the Megaman Zero series for our inspiration in level design as far as actual reference goes, while still attempting to stay true to the flavor of each stage.


    Every enemy and beneficial object from the original game.

    I do not yet know if updating the sprites or smoothing them out will be necessary. As this is intended to have the same graphic feel of the original. More deliberation is needed on this front when the engine is finished or near completion.


    Same as above except for music and SFX.


    The idea is to mimic the SNES version of the game to a T. So that the same type of precise control can be

    achieved in this reworked version of the game.

    Firing Controls: Rapid firing should only allow for 3 shots to be on screen at a time.


    As with the original, players will have an intro stage to navigate through, 8 Maverick Bosses and 4 sigma stages.


    12 levels in total.

  • Okay, well I disected your engine to a T... and ordered the event sheets the same way you did as an experiment... and my engine does not do what yours does. Perhaps cause you made yours in an older version of Construct... but I'm in the process of reworking my setup to mimmic some of the good things you had going on, but I'm affraid that it might take some time, cause I don't fully understand how the event system works on a large scale with controls. It'd be great if I could get someone knowledgable to take a look at it when next I post the .cap file... but since it's a "fan" project, most people will probably just overlook it.

    I'm starting to see why Construct is so powerful though. My progress isn't bad for just one week if I do say so myself. XD Thanks for the help, I'll try to sort this out as best I can in the next week or so... and I'll be back with a .cap file that can be examined so someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong when I'm at my wits end. XD

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  • I haven't checked Tokimson solution, but in this thread I've been also playing around with Megaman X gameplay:

    Hope it helps.

    Well, it helps in a way. I'm really curious about how you got him to stop dashing after a time, because I simply can't get him to do it at all.

    None of the solutions presented in Tokimson's solution seem to work, or maybe I'm just not interpreting them right?

    Here's my .cap, this is getting really frustrating.

    https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B553lU ... ist&num=50

    Thanks for the reply though.

  • scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php

    That's about it o.o

    [sarcasm]Oh, I'm friggin brilliant...[/sarcasm] -.o Thanks man.

  • Not sure what to do about this one, I've tried several different methods to make Megaman X's "Dash" limited, but every time the input for the dash is executed it's perminent and can continue as long as the player holds the input/key/button down. I would like to be able to limit his dash to about less than half a second for a portion of screen space, but I don't know how I would go about that with events in the latest version of Construct.

    I've gotten wall sliding and wall jumping to work right, so I thank the gent that suggested using a private variable on that one. Private variables don't seem to work on this particular problem either, so I must be doing something wrong.

    I can't post my .cap just yet, because I don't have a file hosting service account yet... unless you can upload via photobucket...

    Here's my first event group. I know it's not much, and probably not that much help to anyone reading this topic... but if you spot something that is conflicting with another event or something please tell me. This is new ground for me.

    Left click for full view.

    <img src="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g21/puppiesonacid/EventSheet1.jpg">

    Here's my second event sheet, this one deals with animations for X and it's not finished yet. There are still timing issues and whatnot. Left click to view full image.

    <img src="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g21/puppiesonacid/EvenSheet2.jpg">

    And by the way, I am learning Python, but it's a slow process as of yet, so I don't know how to script with it just yet. I figured this might be something that scripting would solve, but I'm not sure.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    The video below (nearly at the end of the video):

    shows how the animation 'Fall' alternates with the animation "Idle' instantly without having any key pressed.

    The player is a simple object with a platform behavior and the crate a simple solid object. I have not implemented events concerning the player control and his animations.

    I don't know how to avoid this. Any idea?

    I'm having this issue as well whenever my sprite (MegamanX) stops wallsliding or jumping at an intersection with two platforms or boxes the same thing happens, it alternates between jumping and standing sprites for some stupid reason. I guess it's because I'm using collision by pixel instead of bounding box or whatever... so that might be what's causing it with yours.

    Not sure though, only been using the program for about a day and a half now, lol. Good luck.


    Actually, just went in and did some tinkering, and pixel and bounding box do the same thing. It wasn't till I set Megaman's Collision to by "point" that the problem stopped. Try that, you might have to alter where your points are, but it should work.

  • Thanks, the private variable really helps in that case. I can get him to do a very crude wall "jump" lol.

    And yeah, I was using platforming behavior, and the sustain value helps a bit, but doesn't get the accuracy or sensitivity I need.

    I'll try to upload my file as soon as I find a file service that will host it, as I don't think photobucket will allow for it. XD

    I'll keep working on this engine, thanks for the quick feedback.

  • Hi all, I'm new here as of yesterday. I came here after watching Carlos' Megaman X Engine youtube videos to learn how to make something similar for a remake project of the original game with longer and tougher levels. And while the tutorials and examples have been great. I'm using the newest version of Construct, and I think that some of the things that you used to be able to do to mimic the behavior of the original MMX engine, are simply not there anymore or just a lot different.

    I'm currently able to make X jump, run, and shoot his weapon and perform a strage dash manuever that he can continue indefinately... but I'm at a complete loss when it comes to making him wall-slide and wall-jump, or for that matter eve charge his weapon, because variables and whatnot that worked in the Platforming School demos don't work the same in the newer Construct.

    So I'm wondering, does anyone know a way to create a wall-slide effect and all the sprite/character to jump from there... I'm also having trouble adding jump sensitivity so that depending on how hard a player pushes down on the X button or keyboard button asigned to jump, they'll have a varried difference in height for their jump ranging from just barely getting off the ground to their maximum jump height and between.

    There are so many things to do with this and so many bugs to fix. Any help would be appreciated, so thanks in advance.

  • Hey man, great work on this engine! Your video is exactly the reason why I started working in Construct, because I plan on making a Megaman X Challenge game (remake of the original), and I gotta know how you did all this. XD

    I've gotten X to jump and shoot and run, but I can't figure out the dashing. It'd be great if you were going to release the engine, for others to study, since it is a fan game.

    Keep this up man, I'm definately interested in how this pans out.


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Member since 19 Sep, 2010

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