How about that?
Actualy, it's from My Little Pony|Friendship is Magic, [s:1jx348up]a show for little girls[/s:1jx348up]
<img src="">
Do you think the graphics are OK if I added more levels and stuff?
I liked graphics. Maybe just apply different colours to tiles on different levels to vary it? Old good trick, you know
Bugs: Somtimes no hearts. Sometimes no echoes.
Game slowdown over time.
Also, it looks more like a prototype, not game. More levels and sound needed
Looks good, but you better make those wall\floor outer sides much brighter
Somthing like that?
I guess it's video card driver settings, at least I have options like "use application settings\use global videoard settings" in my catalyst.
Btw, if I override settings it makes graphics blurry just a little bit, not like with linear sampling
Awesome, and even translated to my native language
Here's example ... f/push.cap
(or if first link don't work)
There is "overlapping at offset" condition. With it you can detect collision with solid objects
For infinitive scrolling with TilledBg or layer offset effect I just use "offset: timer/x" instead of variables.
x is speed rate.
Timer is system expression
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Test how well your browser supports HTML5
Also, you can look at HTML5 features.
[quote:4e2s9aw0]FileReader API
FileWriter API
Does it mean you can add save\load system to your game?
Member since 1 Aug, 2010