Hi everyone !
I'm Michael, 18 years old from Switzerland and I love video games since my youth. I create games since years (5 I think ?) and I just heard about Construct. I've seen videos on Youtube and I was amazed. The software looks amazing and it's a free open-source game creator
I was creating games with the popular software "RPG Maker" before. Actually, I'm more into action/platformer RPG creations so I decided to move on MMF2 but after some tests I choosed Construct.
My currents game projects are "Final Legacy" an [Action/RPG/Platformer that looks a bit like Castlevania Symphony of The Night, but also DEVIL MAY CRY] and "Dark Destiny" an [Action/RPG that can look like Tales of series (NAMCO), but also Star Ocean (SQUARE ENIX)]
I hope I can finally release those games with Construct !