Shiru's Recent Forum Activity

  • Small update guys !

    Video from the build of the 11th march :

    New controls scheme (you can change them in-game) :

    [Left] : Move left (Double tap to run)

    [Right] : Move right (Double tap to run)

    [Up] : Jump

    [Down] : Crouch

    [A] : Attack (Hold to use Weapon Ability)

    1) Basic Attack

    2) Second Attack

    3) Third Attack : Launch a projectile

    4) Up + A : Upward Attack

    5) Down + A : Downward Attack

    : Use Arcane in Slot 1

    [D] : Use Arcane in Slot 2

    [Q] : Change Weapon

    [W] : Call Support Character

    New HUD :

    Graphics are only there for testing purpose... It will be changed soon !

    About the controls, you have to hold the Attack Button for using the Weapon Ability (Teleport for example). Make a second combo after attacking to launch a projectile on the enemy. The idea comes from


    Soon you will get some drawings and sprites for the WEAPON SET !

  • It's amazing saint11 ! Good work Kouji San, I hope that you will release it soon !

  • It looks really nice but why is there a "5" on the screen ?

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  • As I said, the game looks nice with good graphics and the gameplay looks fun. But I can't download it with the link you sent me... Can you upload it on mediafire or megaupload please ?

  • It's time to show you my project. The engine is very basic.

  • Thanks a lot for the comment Vati-nyan ! The last test version available (11th march 2011) is that one :

    Yes, using Gaia Avatars for prototypes is great. It's easier than drawings. You will see that the HUD has changed. I wanted to make something less Devil May Cry-ish. Of course, the HUD isn't in his final state yet.



    Thx for the feedback. The character attacking speed depends on some differents factors. Like your current rank (level), weapon's weight and speed statistik.

  • Welcome here !

  • Thanks a lot for the help .

  • Hello everyone ! This time I need help for doing transition like Megaman. If you have already played megaman, you know that before a boss fight there is a special room and when you enter this room, the transition is different.

    Take a look here :

    I'm using Construct 0.99.96.

  • <img src="" border="0">


    Hello everyone ! After making some progress with Construct, I finally decide to talk about my project. It's an Action/RPG/Platformer made with Construct. Years ago, it was an Action-RPG made with RPG Maker XP. But then I decide to turn on MMF2 (with the demo) for making it as a platformer but I prefer to use Construct since it's free, open-source and great <!-- s;-) --><img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_wink.gif" border="0" alt=";-)" title="Wink"><!-- s;-) -->.

    So, the game is actually a sort of remake or a port. I already have some main design/system concepts complete. The story was done for the old version (in french), but it's being written again by my scenarist.

    Here are the main links for the game :

    Old Version (French)

    My Youtube Channel

    Final Legacy recites the history of Sky Rainiki, an adurien (half man, half devil), whose destiny will take another turn.

    Ultimate Action Battle System - U.A.B.S

    Battle system in real time without transition. It is possible to hit in the air and on the ground.

    The other members of your team will not be visible and will remain in the reserve, but it is possible to call them for support.


    Sky can come into state called "OverPulse" if its voltage is too strong. This will be very powerful in few seconds (time may change according to the "Rank").

    Special moves

    In the air, it is possible to make such an aerial attack. The attack differs according to the weapon equipped.

    By pressing the Attack Button 3 times, you can achieve a charged attack that releases a projectile-like whose color varies according to the weapon equipped.

    Difficulty levels

    For balancing, there is 5 difficulty levels :

    Easy : Enemy Stats x0.5

    Normal : Enemy Stats x1.0 (DEFAULT)

    Hard : Enemy Stats x2.0

    Extreme : Enemy Stats x3.0

    Infernal : Enemy Stats x4.5


    [Left] : Move left (Double tap to run)

    [Right] : Move right (Double tap to run)

    [Up] : Jump

    [Down] : Crouch

    [A] : Attack (Hold to use Weapon Ability)

    1) Basic Attack

    2) Second Attack

    3) Third Attack : Launch a projectile

    4) Up + A : Upward Attack

    5) Down + A : Downward Attack

    : Use Arcane in Slot 1

    [D] : Use Arcane in Slot 2

    [Q] : Change Weapon

    [W] : Call Support Character


    • Original RPG-like story
    • Original Soundtrack
    • 1 playable character but with many support characters
    • 16 bit graphics (SNES)
    • Configurable controls
    • 9 weapon sets and 1 secret/ultimate weapon
    • Special world map system
    • Special training room
    • Arcanes and Capacities (skills) system
    • Several enemies and bosses
    • Crazy combos

    and more...

    Other things planned :

    • Online Coop
    • Online Versus
    • Online Rankings
    • Boss Rush

    Weapon Set

    When the character changes the weapon, his clothes will be changed too.

    The character will also have extra ability :

    Like Space Control (Teleport behind a foe) with Apocalypse (the last weapon) or Sonic Speed (Run faster) with Jupiter...

    When the character gains a new weapon for the first time, the scene will be special (working like Saint Seiya).

    After that, changing weapon will be instant. The special scene will not be used again.">

    Neptune : Sword.

    Special Ability : Impact (Can destroy rocks)

    Special Effect : Poison (3 %)">

    Jupiter : Axe.

    Special Ability : Sonic Speed (Run faster)

    Special Effect : Reverse (5 %)">

    Saturn : Spear.

    Special Ability : Dragoon Jump (High Jump)

    Special Effect : Blind (5 %)">

    Mars : Gloves.

    Special Ability : Absolute Zero (Launch an ice-column on the floor)

    Special Effect : Freeze (5 %)">

    Pluto : Scythe.

    Special Ability : Bloody Saw (Launch the weapon forward)

    Special Effect : Stone (5 %)">

    Venus : Gun/Rifle.

    Special Ability : Giga Buster (Launch a huge projectile forward)

    Special Effect : Poison (15 %)">

    Juno : Whip.

    Special Ability : Hooks Seeker (Can hang on hooks)

    Special Effect : Blind (15 %)">

    Uranus : Gunblade.

    Special Ability : Hunting Blade (Charge forward with the weapon)

    Special Effect : Death (1 %)">

    Apocalypse : Legendary Sword.

    Special Ability : Space Control (Teleport behing a foe)

    Special Effect : Death (3 %)

    Screenshots (25th July 2010)">">">">

    Latest test version (25th april 2011) :

    If you want to help us, please send me a mail or comment this post. I need a pixel artist/spriter and also a music composer.

  • Thanks to both of you. It works !

  • Hello everyone !

    This time, I need help with this : "How to test if a control is pressed two times ?"

    I want to know that for my project. I wanna do a Running System in that way (like some retro games) :

    Right Control pressed 2 times = RUN

    Right Control pressed 1 time = WALK

    Left Control pressed 2 times = RUN

    Left Control pressed 1 time = WALK

Shiru's avatar


Member since 18 Jul, 2010

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