No, it's not possible, at least not right now.
That is something that can be handled through event sheet logic though, when the flow lands on a given node you can process it and decide if an output is available or not. If it's not, it effectively is like disabling the node that is linked to it at runtime.
The feature is similar to commenting lines of code, a quick way to turn something on/off without outright deleting or disconnecting it.
I just remembered I did include the option for empty tiles to be ignored in the editor. You have to press ALT when drawing.
Disabling outputs in the editor is a convenience more than anything else, to avoid outright deleting a part of a flowchart if you are not sure if you want to keep it around or not.
It's also the first step to being able to disable entire nodes of a flowchart, also for convenience.
I don't think there will be events to disable outputs at runtime because that would just fall into how the information in the flowchart is consumed. If your runtime logic says an output shouldn't be followed, then it effectively is disabled.
Well, I guess this is what beta releases are for... sigh. The "Invalid indexes" parameter will be working as expected in the next release.
Do you mean this for the editor or runtime? At runtime the new action to paint with a patch brush has a parameter that allows you to decide what should happen with empty tiles.
Make sure the pencil icon is toggled in the Timeline bar. Scrubbing to preview of a timeline only works when editing is enabled. You can also tell if the current timeline can be edited because the selection rectangle of instances is a yellow color rather than the normal light blue.
Please file an issue for this. It's far more likely we will do something about it if it's written down. All the fixes to themes on this release where issues in our tracker.
If you have any feedback you can just post it in the forum, it will likely end up becoming the feedback thread.
When you make changes to instances in a hierarchy where a template instance is the root, those changes should be applied on the corresponding instance on the replicas.
That is, if the template and the replicas match up perfectly, if they don't the changes are not applied because there is no way to guarantee the instance in the template has a corresponding one in the replica.
Making changes that make a connection, remove a connection or outright delete an instance from a template's hierarchy will make all replica's match the template. I think we will add a new property to templates to decide whether or not to use this behaviour.
I think in most cases this is the desired behaviour, after all the replicas are supposed to match the template... but I can see how in some cases someone might want to make sure a replica does not update automatically with the template or a template does not propagate hierarchy changes automatically.
We figured it was better to wait for feedback on this one.
The flowchart tools work the same as the layout view. SHIFT + Click to select multiple things, CTRL/META + Drag to clone a selection.
You can also clone by copying and pasting a selection of nodes.
"In Quartic" and "Out Quartic" eases were producing an unwanted result at the beginning and end respectively, a sort of mini "bounce" effect. Turns out they were just set up incorrectly.
I think there was a regression in this release from trying to fix another issue. It should be fixed for the next beta. Still, it would be worth trying to reproduce it.
When you compare code and events, events handle a lot of the heavy lifting so you can do a lot more with a few events than what you can do with a few lines of code. In fact, a few lines of code won't get you very far.
The free version is meant to serve as a test drive and with the previous limit to the lines of code you could use, it wasn't really good enough to try out the feature.
The expression was implemented because of this suggestion
Member since 24 Apr, 2015
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