Construct 3 r331

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  • Great additions, thanks for adding suggestions from the platform !

    It looks like Instance Selection in Layout View is broken in this release : on my Game Layout, when I try to select an instance, it instead selects an object from a totally different layout (even if all my layers are locked in my current Layout). I'm not even sure if it has to do with Global Layers. This is very weird, because in Properties the Layer Field of those "Ghost instances" shows a non-global layer from a different Layout. And when i go to this layout, there isn't any instance of those "Ghost objectype" on that specific layer. (They seem to be actually be on that other Layout but on an other Layer)

    It seems it only happen on my most complex Layout with many layers and Global layers.

    So far i don't manage to even understand what's happening so please if anyone also has the issue let us know so we can fill a bug report.

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      • DiegoM's avatar
      • DiegoM
      • Construct Team Construct 3 Developer
      • 3 points
      • (2 children)

      I think there was a regression in this release from trying to fix another issue. It should be fixed for the next beta. Still, it would be worth trying to reproduce it.

      • I have the same problem. For example, I have 5 layers, 2 global layers. All layers are locked and hidden, when I click on an empty field, an object located on one of the layers starts to manipulate the cursor (for example, dragged behind the cursor or stand out). I'm really looking forward to the update, because I can't work.

        How can I change the project to an older stable version?

      • thank you for doing a fix, even though there wasn't a proper report!